
单词 sprouting
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bristle〕The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.老妇人下巴上长出几根灰白的又短又硬的毛。剑桥高阶〔ratoon〕A shoot sprouting from a plant base, as in the banana, pineapple, or sugar cane.根蘖,根出苗:植物底部长出的嫩根,例如香蕉、菠萝或甘蔗等的嫩根美国传统〔seed〕The chemical will stop all seeds from sprouting (= starting to grow).这种化学制品可使种子无法发芽。剑桥高阶〔spire〕A slender, tapering part, such as a newly sprouting blade of grass.动叶,抽条:逐渐向顶端变尖变细的部分,如新长出的草叶美国传统〔sprout〕Anti-government posters are sprouting up along a nearby wall.反政府的海报突然之间贴满了附近的墙。麦克米伦高阶〔sprout〕As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.除了长出几根灰头发外, 凯文似乎还患上了间歇性失忆。外研社新世纪〔sprout〕As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.除长出了些许白发外,凯文似乎还患上了间歇性失忆。柯林斯高阶〔sprout〕How can we still remain young, as our children are sprouting into manhood?孩子们已长大成人,我们怎么能不老呢?21世纪英汉〔sprout〕Office blocks are sprouting up everywhere.到处都有办公大楼冒出来。朗文当代〔sprout〕She is very old now, with little, round, wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin.她现在很老了,戴着圆圆的金属架小眼镜,下巴上还长出了胡须。柯林斯高阶〔sprout〕The garden is sprouting weeds.花园里长出许多杂草。韦氏高阶〔sprout〕The tree is already sprouting leaves.这棵树已长出新叶子。韦氏高阶〔sprout〕The trees are sprouting new leaves.树木正在长出新叶。英汉大词典〔sprout〕The young birds are sprouting their first feathers.雏鸟正长出绒毛。英汉大词典〔sprout〕Your hair is sticking up - it looks like you're sprouting horns! 你的头发竖起来了——看上去跟长了角似的!剑桥高阶〔weed〕Aerials were sprouting up on the roof like weeds.房顶上天线林立。麦克米伦高阶The chemical will stop all seeds from sprouting for the rest of the year.在一年中的其他时间,那些化学药品可使所有的种子避免发芽。剑桥国际With the back of his hand, he rubbed the stubble sprouting on his chin.他用手背摩挲下巴上长出的短髭。剑桥国际You will see new growth (= newly developing parts of a plant) sprouting in the spring, even if the plant seems dead at the moment.即使这棵植物现在象死了一样,但你将会在春天看到发出的新芽。剑桥国际Your hair is sticking up--it looks like you're sprouting horns! 你的头发向上竖起----你就像长了角似的。剑桥国际

