
单词 stratified
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔caste〕Any of numerous hereditary, endogamous social subclasses stratified according to Hindu ritual purity.种姓:根据印度教仪式的纯洁性划分的无数个世袭的、内部通婚的次等级之一美国传统〔facies〕Geology A rock or stratified body distinguished from others by its appearance or composition.【地质学】 相:外观或成分上不同于其它的岩石或地层群美国传统〔hypolimnion〕The layer of water in a thermally stratified lake that lies below the thermocline, is noncirculating, and remains perpetually cold.湖下层,湖底静水层:位于温跃层以下的有层温的湖的一层水,这一层水不循环,永远保持寒冷美国传统〔nomenklatura〕The stratified, privileged class composed of these appointees.特权阶级:由这些被任命者组成的已形成等级的特权阶级美国传统〔outlier〕Geology A portion of stratified rock separated from a main formation by erosion.【地质学】 外露层:由于受腐蚀而从主岩层脱落的成层岩石的一部分美国传统〔stage〕Geology A subdivision in the classification of stratified rocks, ranking just below a series and representing rock formed during a chronological age.【地质学】 期:分层岩石的阶层,低于一连串层并且代表了古代时期形成的岩石美国传统〔stratification〕The condition of being stratified.分层:被分层的状态美国传统〔stratify〕The sample of people questioned was drawn from the university's student register and stratified by age and gender.调查问卷的抽样人群选自大学的学生名单,按年龄和性别分组。剑桥高阶〔superposition〕Geology The principle that in a group of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest were the earliest to be deposited.【地质学】 重叠原理:认为处于一组沉积岩中,最底下的岩石是最早沉积下来的岩石美国传统A society that is highly stratified has clear divisions between different social groups.在高度分化的社会中,不同的社会阶层之间有着明显的区分。剑桥国际The sample of people questioned was drawn from the university's student register and stratified by age and gender.被询问的人都是从大学的学生名单中抽出,然后再按年龄和性别分组的。剑桥国际

