
单词 小工
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MANAGER〕He spoke as though he were a rich landowner instead of just the foreman of a modest building firm. 他说起话来好像他是有钱的地主,而不是一家小建筑公司里的一个小工头。朗文写作活用〔STRIKE〕What started as a walk-out in a small factory in Manchester was to develop into a national and long-running strike. 从曼彻斯特一家小工厂里开始的罢工事件,后来发展成了一场全国性的长期罢工。朗文写作活用〔accessory〕Camping has become a hassle-free experience thanks to an array of useful gadgets and accessories.有了各种各样好用的小工具和配件, 野营一点也不麻烦了。外研社新世纪〔busboy〕A restaurant employee who clears away dirty dishes, sets tables, and serves as an assistant to a waiter or waitress.小工,杂工:餐馆中洗盘子、摆桌子、给男招待或女招待做助手的雇工美国传统〔equip〕She got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop.她向银行货款,为成立一个小工作室租地方和买设备。牛津高阶〔forklift〕A small industrial vehicle with a power-operated pronged platform that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a load to be lifted and moved.叉式升降机:一小工业用车,用一块可升降的自动的叉状铁板插在重物下方来提升或移动重物美国传统〔gadget〕She has invented a nifty little gadget for undoing stubborn nuts and bolts.她发明了一种灵巧的小工具,用来松开紧固的螺母和螺栓。牛津搭配〔handy〕It's quite a handy little tool.这件小工具非常有用。朗文当代〔holster〕A belt with loops or slots for carrying small tools or other equipment.皮带上有可装一些小工具或装备的环或槽美国传统〔inseminate〕The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.这个小工具是用来给母牛进行人工授精的。外研社新世纪〔jollyboat〕A medium-sized ship's boat used for rough work and minor tasks.船载小工作艇: 等大小的船只上所载的小艇,用来完成粗略工作及次要任务美国传统〔kick〕The luggage workers kicked back half of their take to the hall porter.搬行李小工将所得的一半交给门厅行李工作为酬金。英汉大词典〔minimill〕A small mill or plant, especially a steel mill that uses electric furnaces to produce steel from scrap.小工厂:一个小型工厂,尤指使用电炉将废铁炼成钢的小钢铁厂美国传统〔nut pick〕A small, sharp-pointed tool used for digging the meat from nuts.坚果扦:用于挖取坚果内果肉的尖头小工美国传统〔objet d'art〕The house is decorated with objets d'art from around the world.这个房子里装饰着来自世界各地的小工艺品。韦氏高阶〔objet d'art〕They were able to obtain the objets d'art they so admired.他们能够得到自己十分心仪的小工艺品。外研社新世纪〔office〕The house has three bedrooms and a small office.这幢房子有三间卧室和一个小工作室。外研社新世纪〔posit〕If we posit that wage rises cause inflation, it follows that we should try to minimize them.如果我们假设工资上涨会导致通货膨胀的话,那么我们应该尽可能地减小工资上涨幅度。剑桥高阶〔repair〕The drivers carried small toolkits for making running repairs.车手都带着小工具箱,以便临时小修。牛津搭配〔run〕They've been running the factory down for the last five years.在过去的5年里他们一直在减小工厂的规模。麦克米伦高阶〔sign〕I signed myself on as a field hand.我受雇当了田间小工英汉大词典〔site〕He became a hod carrier on a building site.他在建筑工地上当起了小工柯林斯高阶〔site〕He became a hod carrier on a building site.他成了工地上的一名小工外研社新世纪〔spatula〕A small implement having a broad, flat, flexible blade that is used especially to mix, spread, or lift material.(调拌用的)刮铲:一种刀身平、宽且灵活的小工具,用于调拌、涂敷或上料等美国传统〔widget〕This new widget will bring fresh content to your website every hour.这个新的窗口小工具每小时都会给你的网站送来新的内容。剑桥高阶〔work〕He worked as a bricklayer's mate.他给一个砖匠当小工外研社新世纪Although the firm has small factories in many locations they're all under central control from the head office.尽管这个公司在许多地方有小工厂,但它们都服从总部的集中控制。剑桥国际Desktop publishing has become a modern cottage industry.桌面排版已成为现代家庭小工业。牛津商务She transformed the business from a cottage industry into a telecommunications giant.她的生意从一个家庭小工业起步,最后做到电信业巨擘。牛津商务The factory has been sold just lately to a small engineering firm.这家工厂最近卖给了一个小工程公司。剑桥国际The government should give more help to small businessmen and women (= people whose businesses are of a limited size).政府应该更多地帮助小工商户。剑桥国际These small factories make consumer non-durables—products ranging from shoes to shampoo.这些小工厂生产的非耐用消费品品种从鞋到洗发液不等。牛津商务

