
单词 蛀虫
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attack〕Unfortunately, the carved ceilings have suffered woodworm attack over the years.可惜的是,多年来雕花的屋顶一直遭到蛀虫的侵害。朗文当代〔bookworm〕Any of various insects, especially booklice and silverfish, that infest books and feed on the paste in the bindings.书蛀虫:那些污染书本并以粘合物中的浆糊为食的昆虫中的任一种,尤指书虱和蠹虫美国传统〔borer〕An insect or insect larva, such as the corn borer, that bores into the woody parts of plants.蛀虫:钻入植物的木质部的昆虫或昆虫幼虫,如玉米螟虫美国传统〔borer〕Any of various mollusks that bore into soft rock or wood.钻蛀虫:钻入松软岩石或木头中的软体动物美国传统〔buprestid〕Any of various beetles of the family Buprestidae, which are destructive wood borers as larvae and often have a metallic red, green, or blue color.吉丁虫:吉丁虫科的昆虫,其幼虫是破坏性的树木蛀虫,常为金属色的红的、绿的或蓝的颜色美国传统〔eat〕Woodworm had eaten away at the door frame.木蛀虫将门框一点点蛀坏了。牛津高阶〔floorboard〕I lifted the carpet to check the floorboards for woodworm.我掀开地毯,检查地板里是否有木蛀虫朗文当代〔ruin〕Moths ruined the sweater.蛀虫把这件毛衣蛀蚀了。韦氏高阶〔sign〕Wood dust beneath a piece of furniture is a sure sign of woodworm.家具下面出现木屑是有蛀虫的明显迹象。外研社新世纪〔twig borer〕Any of various small beetles or moths whose larvae bore into the twigs of certain trees, especially fruit trees.树脂蛀虫:一种甲壳虫或蛾,其幼虫生于某些树木的枝条中,尤其是果树中美国传统〔woodworm〕A worm or an insect larva that bores into wood.蛀虫:钻在木头里的蠕虫或昆虫幼虫美国传统〔woodworm〕If your house timber has woodworm, get expert treatment.如果你家房屋的木结构部分发生了木蛀虫害,要请专家治理。英汉大词典〔woodworm〕The beams are riddled with woodworm.这些木梁被蛀虫蛀得都是洞。牛津高阶〔woodworm〕The roof beams were riddled with woodworm.屋顶上的木材被蛀虫咬得满是窟窿。剑桥高阶〔wormhole〕A hole made by a burrowing worm.蛀虫孔:一种蛀虫蛀的孔美国传统〔wormy〕Infested with or damaged by worms.虫蛀的:有蛀虫寄生或被其侵害的美国传统〔worm〕All apples had worms in them.所有的苹果都生了蛀虫英汉大词典All the apples had worms in them. 这些苹果里都有蛀虫译典通Financial speculators are parasites upon the national economy (= They are useless people supported by other people's work).金融投机商是寄生在国民经济上的蛀虫剑桥国际

