
单词 腰部
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOSE〕The top fitted me, but the shorts were a little loose round the waist. 上衣很合我穿,但是短裤在腰部的地方有点松。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕She had long blonde hair that went down to her waist. 她长长的金发一直垂到腰部朗文写作活用〔ache〕He has a constant dull ache in his lower back.他的腰部一直隐隐作痛。外研社新世纪〔anaesthetic〕A local anaesthetic is injected in an area over your lower spine.局部麻醉时,麻醉剂注射进后腰部牛津搭配〔beat〕Her skirt flew up above her waist; she beat it down.她裙子被吹翻到了腰部上面,她把它按平。英汉大词典〔bikini〕Often bikinis Brief underpants that reach to the hips rather than to the waist. 常作 bikinis 比基尼内裤:到臀部但不到腰部的短内裤美国传统〔bind〕This skirt binds at the waist.这件裙子腰部太紧。21世纪英汉〔blouse〕A woman's or child's loosely fitting shirt that extends to the waist or slightly below.宽松短衫:妇女或儿童穿的宽松短衫,可遮至腰部或稍下的地方美国传统〔bodice〕The fitted part of a dress that extends from the waist to the shoulder.女上衣的上部:女连衣裙的上身,从腰部延伸到肩部美国传统〔bunch〕She clutches the sides of her skirt until it bunches around her waist.她捏着裙子的两侧,直到裙子在她腰部打起了褶。柯林斯高阶〔bustle〕A bow, peplum, or gathering of material at the back of a woman's skirt below the waist.腰垫:女裙后面腰部以下的蝴蝶结、细腰窄裙或束在一起的布料美国传统〔caftan〕A westernized version of this garment consisting of a loose, usually brightly colored waist-length or ankle-length tunic.西洋式长袍:西洋样式的这种长袍,多有一宽松的、有光亮色彩的长及腰部或踝部的外袍美国传统〔center〕The pain is centered around/in his lower back.疼痛集中在他的腰部韦氏高阶〔chest〕His shirt was open to the waist revealing a very hairy chest.他的衬衫敞开到腰部,露出毛茸茸的胸膛。剑桥高阶〔cinch in〕The robe cinched in at her waist.长袍在她的腰部收紧了。外研社新世纪〔come〕Her hair comes down to her waist.她的头发垂至腰部牛津高阶〔cross〕The straps cross over at the back and are tied at the waist.带子在背后交叉,然后系在腰部牛津高阶〔easy〕It could do with being a bit easier around the waist.腰部需要改得宽松一些。外研社新世纪〔expand〕The waist expands to fit all sizes.腰部可松可紧,适合任何尺码。牛津高阶〔fat〕Are you carrying extra fat around your middle? 你的腰部有赘肉吗?牛津搭配〔fat〕The waistline is usually the first area where fat accumulates.最先有脂肪堆积的部位通常是腰部牛津搭配〔fillet〕A strip or compact piece of boneless meat or fish, especially the beef tenderloin.肉片或鱼片:一片或一小条无骨头的肉或鱼,特指牛腰部的嫩肉美国传统〔flabby〕I was starting to get a bit flabby around my waist.我腰部的肉开始有点松弛了。剑桥高阶〔flank〕The section of flesh on the body of a person or an animal between the last rib and the hip; the side.肋肉:人或动物身上最下面的肋骨与臀部之间的肉块;腰部美国传统〔flatteringly〕The jacket is flatteringly shaped at the waist.这件夹克衫突出了腰部的线条。外研社新世纪〔fluidity〕The appropriate use of the waist creates great fluidity of form.腰部的恰当处理表现出整体的流畅感。外研社新世纪〔fold〕He had folds of flab around his middle.他的腰部有层层赘肉。韦氏高阶〔gather in〕Gather the waist in a little more, with fine stitches.用密针再把腰部收一点。21世纪英汉〔gather〕Gather the skirt at the waist.在裙子腰部打摺。外研社新世纪〔gather〕Gather the skirt at the waist.在裙子的腰部打褶。柯林斯高阶〔gather〕The dress is gathered at the waist with elastic.这条裙子腰部用松紧带打了褶子。麦克米伦高阶〔gather〕The skirt is gathered at the waist.这条裙子的腰部有褶 。朗文当代〔girdle〕A woman's elasticized, flexible undergarment worn over the waist and hips.束腹:妇女的用弹力线制成的柔韧的围在腰部或臀部的内衣美国传统〔half-slip〕A woman's slip that hangs from the waist.半截短衬裙:系至腰部的衬裙美国传统〔harness〕She fastened the safety harness tightly around her waist before starting the descent.她把安全带牢牢地系在腰部后才开始下降。牛津搭配〔hip〕The laterally projecting prominence of the pelvis or pelvic region from the waist to the thigh.髋,髋部:从腰部至大腿向侧方伸出的骨盆或骨盆部位的突出部分美国传统〔ihram〕The sacred dress of Moslem pilgrims, consisting of two lengths of white cotton, one wrapped around the loins, the other thrown over the left shoulder.戒衣:穆斯林教徒朝圣时的服装,由两条白色的棉花带织成,一条围在腰部,另一条搭在左肩美国传统〔imaginary〕The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.赤道是一条假想的环绕地球腰部的线。牛津高阶〔let〕Your dress needs letting in at the waist.你这条连衣裙腰部需要改窄些。英汉大词典〔loincloth〕A strip of cloth worn around the loins.缠腰布:绕在腰部周围的一块布美国传统〔lowering〕Use a small cushion to help give support to the lower back.用一个小靠垫帮助支撑腰部柯林斯高阶〔lumbar〕A lumbar artery, nerve, vertebra, or part.腰动脉,腰神经,腰脊椎,或腰部美国传统〔lumbar〕Lumbar support is very important if you're driving a long way.长途驾驶时, 腰部的支撑非常重要。外研社新世纪〔lumbar〕Lumbar support is very important if you're driving a long way.长途驾驶时,腰部的支撑十分重要。柯林斯高阶〔lumbar〕Of, near, or situated in the part of the back and sides between the lowest ribs and the pelvis.腰部的:最低的肋骨与盆骨之间与后背处的部分的,或靠近这部分的,或位于这个部位的美国传统〔lumbar〕This seat provides good lumbar support.这个座位对腰部有个很好的支撑。韦氏高阶〔middle〕The cook's apron covered her middle.厨用围裙裹着她的腰部外研社新世纪〔middle〕The cook's apron covered her middle.厨用围裙裹着她的腰部柯林斯高阶〔middle〕Those trousers look a bit tight around your middle.你的裤子看上去腰部有点紧。剑桥高阶〔muscle〕This exercise will work the muscles of the lower back.这样的运动可以锻炼腰部的肌肉。牛津高阶〔pad〕He sits with a foam pad behind him to help support his lower back.他坐着,后面垫着海绵垫支撑腰部韦氏高阶〔paralysed〕The accident left her paralysed from the waist down.这起事故导致她腰部以下瘫痪。剑桥高阶〔paralyse〕The accident left him paralysed from the waist down.那场事故使他腰部以下都瘫痪了。牛津高阶〔pass〕Pass the rope round [around] your waist [through the hole].把绳子套在你的腰部[穿过那个洞]。文馨英汉〔pleat〕Her skirt has pleats at the waist.她的裙子在腰部有褶。韦氏高阶〔psoas〕Either of two muscles of the loin that rotate the hip joint and flex the spine.腰肌:腰部的两块肌肉中的任一块,能使髋关节摆动并屈伸脊椎美国传统〔rack〕A wholesale rib cut of lamb or veal between the shoulder and the loin.羊或小牛的肋肉:从羊或小牛肩部至腰部切下的整块出售的肋部美国传统〔reach〕Her hair reaches down to her waist.她的头发垂到了腰部朗文当代〔reins〕The kidneys, loins, or lower back.肾脏,腰部或后背下部美国传统〔rub〕Physio Dean Conway gave his lower back a rub.理疗师迪安•康韦给他做了一次腰部按摩。外研社新世纪〔ruck up〕His designer suits ruck up round his middle.他的名牌套装腰部起皱了。外研社新世纪〔sarong〕A skirt consisting of a length of brightly colored cloth wrapped about the waist that is worn by men and women in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Pacific islands.莎笼:一种用一定长度的颜色鲜艳的布做成的缠在腰部裙子上的男女服装,主要流行于马来西亚、印度尼西亚和太平洋岛屿美国传统〔sash〕A band or ribbon worn about the waist, as for ornament, or over the shoulder as a symbol of rank.绶带:缠于腰部用作装饰的带子或彩带,或挂在肩上作为军衔标志的饰带美国传统〔sciatica〕Pain along the sciatic nerve usually caused by a herniated disk of the lumbar region of the spine and radiating to the buttocks and to the back of the thigh.坐骨神经痛:通常是由脊椎腰部区的椎间盘突出引起的坐骨神经的疼痛,并传入臀部和股骨的背部美国传统〔shirttail〕The part of a shirt that extends below the waist, especially in the back.衬衫下摆:衬衫延伸到腰部以下的部份,尤指在背部的那部份美国传统〔short-waisted〕Having a distance between shoulders and waist that is shorter than average.身材短的:肩膀及腰部的距离较一般人平均长度要短的美国传统〔side arm〕A small weapon, such as a pistol, carried at the side or waist.随身武器:佩带在体侧或腰部的一种小型武器,如手枪美国传统〔skirt〕A garment hanging from the waist and worn by women and girls.女裙:妇女或女孩所穿的垂到腰部以下的衣服美国传统〔skirt〕The part of a garment, such as a dress or coat, that hangs freely from the waist down.衣服的裙,下摆:从腰部自由下垂的衣服的一部分,例如女服或上衣美国传统〔slash〕The dress was slashed to the waist.连衣裙的开叉开到了腰部21世纪英汉〔slash〕The front of the dress was slashed to the waist with red.这件连衣裙的前身在腰部以上开衩并镶嵌了红色。英汉大词典〔slip〕John slipped his arm around his wife's waist.约翰的一只手臂滑落到妻子的腰部麦克米伦高阶〔smallness〕Place your hands on the small of your back and breathe in.双手置于腰部,吸气。柯林斯高阶〔span〕It may be that you are unaware of where your hip joint is; it is not at the waist but a good hand span below it.这也许是因为你并不晓得髋关节的位置,它不在腰部,而是位于腰部以下一手拃宽处。柯林斯高阶〔spencer〕A close-fitting, waist-length jacket worn by women.紧身短夹克:妇女穿用的一种长及腰部的紧身短夹克美国传统〔stretch〕This exercise strengthens the lower back and stretches the hamstrings.这项运动使后腰部更结实,并舒展了旁腱。麦克米伦高阶〔sweatpants〕Cotton jersey pants usually having a drawstring or elasticized waist and elasticized cuffs worn especially for exercising.宽松长运动裤:尤指用于运动的棉质针织裤,通常有束带或腰部松紧带以及松紧袖口美国传统〔take in〕I had to take them in at the waist.我只好把腰部改小。韦氏高阶〔tenderloin〕The tenderest part of a loin of beef, pork, or similar cut of meat.嫩腰肉:牛肉、猪肉或其它肉类腰部肉中最嫩的部分美国传统〔tie〕The skirt ties at the waist.裙子在腰部束紧。牛津高阶〔tights〕A snug stretchable garment covering the body from the waist or neck down, designed for general wear by women and girls.紧身衣裤:一种主要供妇女和女孩穿用的紧身有弹性的服装,覆盖从腰部颈部以下的身体部分美国传统〔tight〕The skirt fits a little too tightly around the waist.这条裙子的腰部有点太紧了。麦克米伦高阶〔up〕He was up to his waist in mud.泥浆漫到了他腰部外研社新世纪〔waist-deep〕The refugees waded waist-deep into the stream.那些难民涉进深达腰部的河流里。文馨英汉〔waist-deep〕The water was waist-deep.水深达腰部文馨英汉〔waisted〕Having a waist or a part like a waist.有腰身的,像腰部美国传统〔waistline〕A line thought of as encircling the body at the waist.腰线:假设围住身体腰部的线美国传统〔waistline〕The point or line at which the skirt and bodice of a dress join.腰部:裙子和衣服胸衣接合部位的点或线美国传统〔waist〕A large towel covered him from the waist down.他在腰部以下裹着一条大毛巾。牛津搭配〔waist〕The part of a garment that encircles the waist of the body.腰身部位:衣服上环绕人体腰部的部位美国传统〔waist〕The skirt had an elasticated waist.这条裙子的腰部是松紧性的。剑桥高阶〔wale〕One of the heavy planks or strakes extending along the sides of a wooden ship.船腰部外板:沿着木船边缘延伸的重木板或船侧板之一美国传统He punched me in the small of my back.他在我的后腰部重重击了一下。剑桥国际He spent the last ten years of his life in a wheelchair after a fall which left him paralysed from the waist down.一次摔倒使他从腰部以下瘫痪,这以后他在轮椅上度过了一生中的最后10年。剑桥国际His shirt was open to the waist revealing a very hairy chest.他的衬衫领口开到了腰部,露出毛茸茸的胸膛。剑桥国际I have a pain in the lumbar region. 我腰部疼痛。译典通Jackets, in flannel, pinstripe and tweed, were fitted and usually flared from the waist.夹克有法兰绒、细条子布、和花呢,按尺寸大小缝制,通常从腰部向上逐渐增大。剑桥国际She asked her mother to nip the dress in at the waist. 她让母亲把那连衣裙的腰部收窄一点。译典通This skirt doesn't fit properly so I'm going to put a tuck in at the waist.这条裙子不合身, 我打算在腰部打个褶。剑桥国际Those trousers look a bit tight around your middle.那条裤子看上去在你腰部有点紧。剑桥国际

