
单词 纺织
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARTIFICIAL〕The rug is made from a mixture of wool and synthetic fibres. 这地毯是用羊毛和合成纤维的混纺织物制成的。朗文写作活用〔Arachne〕A maiden who was transformed into a spider by Athena for challenging her to a weaving contest.阿拉克尼:因向雅典娜挑战,进行纺织比赛而被她变成蜘蜘的少女美国传统〔BUSINESS〕Many people moved from Asia to work in the British textile industry, where jobs were plentiful. 许多人从亚洲移民到英国从事纺织业,那里有大量的就业机会。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The textile industry is currently in transition. 纺织工业正处于变革之中。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕Since the textile company moved out, the area's gotten very run-down. 自从纺织公司迁出以后,这个地区就败落了。朗文写作活用〔Christo〕Bulgarian-born American sculptor and experimental artist best known for wrapping objects, especially large-scale items such as whole buildings, in fabric.克里斯多:保加利亚裔美国雕塑家和实验艺术家,以其包裹物体闻名,尤指用纺织物包裹整栋建筑等大型物体美国传统〔Clotho〕One of the three Fates, the spinner of the thread of destiny.克洛索:三命运神之一,命运之线的纺织美国传统〔Heriz〕A strong, finely woven Persian rug that has patterns of flowers, garlands, and trees.海里斯地毯:一种坚牢的,纺织细密的波斯小地毯,其图案由花朵、花环及树木组成美国传统〔INTERESTING〕The Scottish Craft Centre has a fascinating range of pottery, jewellery and textiles for sale. 苏格兰手工艺品中心出售各式各样的极有趣的陶器、珠宝和纺织品。朗文写作活用〔MATERIAL〕Textiles are one of Mexico's main exports. 纺织品是墨西哥主要出口产品之一。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕He lent him several thousand dollars to help rescue his bankrupt textile business. 他借给他几千美元,帮助他挽救他那负债累累的纺织厂。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕The town's prosperity comes from the textile industry. 该镇的繁荣源自纺织工业。朗文写作活用〔START〕John decided to start his own textile business shortly after the war. 战后不久,约翰决定创办自己的纺织企业。朗文写作活用〔achievement〕She was given a prize for her achievements in textile design.她因在纺织品设计上的成就而获奖。牛津搭配〔alpaca〕A glossy cotton or rayon and wool fabric.仿羊驼呢:有光泽的棉或人造丝和羊毛混纺织美国传统〔bengaline〕A fabric having a crosswise ribbed effect made of silk, wool, or synthetic fibers.罗缎:用丝、羊毛或合成织物织制的有十字罗纹效果的纺织美国传统〔bet〕Textiles are a good bet for a country bent on industrialisation.纺织业对于致力于工业化的国家来说是个比较稳妥的产业。柯林斯高阶〔bet〕Textiles are a good bet for a country bent on industrialization.对于决心要进行工业化的国家来说, 发展纺织业是切实可行的选择。外研社新世纪〔bleak〕Textile workers face a bleak future.纺织工人前途暗淡。麦克米伦高阶〔buy〕He bought up a bankrupt textile company.他买下一家破了产的纺织公司。英汉大词典〔cheap〕They're selling fabrics cheap this week.他们这周正在廉价卖纺织品。牛津搭配〔cloth〕Fabric or material formed by weaving, knitting, pressing, or felting natural or synthetic fibers.布:通过编织、纺织、熨烫或用天然纤维、合成纤维制毡制作的织物或材料美国传统〔code〕The Textile Services Association has drawn up a code of practice endorsed by the Office of Fair Trading.纺织企业协会起草了一份行业规范,得到了公平贸易部的认可。朗文当代〔customer〕The country is seeking customers for its textiles.该国正在为其纺织品寻找买主。英汉大词典〔draper〕A dealer in cloth or clothing and dry goods.布商:布匹、衣服或纺织品商人美国传统〔drugget〕A fabric woven wholly or partly of wool, formerly used for clothing.全部或部分用羊毛纺织的织物,过去用于制衣美国传统〔exporter〕Japan is a leading exporter of textiles.日本是纺织品的主要出口国。朗文当代〔fabric〕A cloth produced especially by knitting, weaving, or felting fibers.织物:一种布,尤指通过纺织、编织或毡结丝线而成美国传统〔flax〕The fine, light-colored textile fiber obtained from this plant.亚麻纤维:从这种植物中获得的纤细的浅色纺织纤维美国传统〔grass cloth〕A loosely woven fabric made with grass or vegetable fibers.草质布料:以牧草或是植物纤维宽松编织制作的纺织美国传统〔greige〕Not bleached or dyed; unfinished. Used of textiles.本色的,原色的:未经漂白或染色的,未完工的,用于纺织美国传统〔hard-spun〕Twisted tightly in spinning, often to the point of curling and looping. Used of yarn.紧捻的:纺织时常达到弯曲、绕环程度的。用于描写纱线美国传统〔high-count〕Having a large number of warp and filling threads per square inch. Used of a woven fabric.高分支的:每平方英尺内有大量经纱和纬纱的。用于纺织纤维美国传统〔homespun〕A similar sturdy fabric made on a power loom.手工纺织呢:纺织机织出的结实的织物美国传统〔hurdle〕Chiefly British A portable framework made of intertwined branches or wattle and used for temporary fencing.【多用于英国】 疏篱:树枝或柳条编成的可移动的纺织物,可以暂时作篱笆使用美国传统〔ikat〕The fabric so created.伊卡织品:以此种方式制造出来的纺织美国传统〔ingrain〕Made of fiber or yarn dyed before weaving. Used especially of rugs.染色原纤:由纺织前就染色的纤维或纱线制成的。尤指地毯美国传统〔kaolin〕A fine clay used in ceramics and refractories and as a filler or coating for paper and textiles.高岭土,瓷土:一种细黏土,在制陶器和耐火材料时使用,也可用作纸张和纺织片的浆料或涂层美国传统〔kilim〕A tapestry-woven Turkish rug or other textile with geometric designs in rich, brilliant colors.基里姆地毯:一种具有花毯组织的土耳其毯或其它纺织品,其几何图案设计使用各种各样鲜艳的色彩美国传统〔lamb's wool〕A fabric or yarn made from this wool.由这样的毛线制成的纺织品或纱美国传统〔lawn〕A light cotton or linen fabric of very fine weave.上等细布:精心纺织的轻质棉布或亚麻织物美国传统〔layoff〕Textile companies announced 2000 fresh layoffs last week.诸家纺织公司上周宣布再次裁员2000人。英汉大词典〔macramé〕Coarse lace work made by weaving and knotting cords into a pattern.装饰编结术:制作花边饰品的粗活,把线绳经过纺织和打结形成某种图案美国传统〔mercer〕A dealer in textiles, especially silks.绸布商:做纺织品生意的商人,尤指绸缎商美国传统〔merino〕A fine wool and cotton yarn used especially for knitting underwear and hosiery.麦利诺精纺线:一种优质毛线或棉线,尤指用来纺织内衣裤及袜子之类的物品美国传统〔museum〕The museum houses a fine collection of textiles.这家博物馆藏有一批精美的纺织品。牛津搭配〔nonwoven〕Made by a process not involving weaving. Used of textiles.无纺的:与纺织无关的制作过程。用于指纺织美国传统〔nonwoven〕Material or a fabric made by a process not involving weaving.无纺织物:非纺织制成的材料或纤维美国传统〔paramatta〕A fine, lightweight, silk and wool or cotton and wool dress fabric.毛葛,棉毛呢:一种精制且轻的丝毛或棉毛的服装纺织美国传统〔plain-woven〕Made in plain weave.平纹织造:用平纹纺织方法制造美国传统〔point〕Fragments of woven cloth at the site clearly point to the production of textiles.现场的碎布清楚地表明这儿曾生产过纺织品。牛津搭配〔proficient〕The crafts teacher is skillful in knitting, crocheting, embroidery, and the use of the hand loom.手工艺教师善于纺织、钩编、刺绣和使用手摇织布机。美国传统〔profit〕She makes a big profit from selling waste material to textile companies.她将废弃材料卖给纺织公司,从中赚取大笔利润。剑桥高阶〔raw silk〕Fabric or yarn made from untreated silk.生坯丝绸:为生丝做成的纺织品或织成的纱美国传统〔reaction〕Some people's skin has an allergic reaction to certain types of fabric.有些人的皮肤对某些纺织品有过敏反应。麦克米伦高阶〔realization〕Various textile techniques will be explored to realise design possibilities.将尝试和探索纺织技巧来把这些设计变为现实。柯林斯高阶〔reclaim〕The factory reclaims fibers from textile wastes.工厂从纺织品废料中回收纤维。韦氏高阶〔reed〕A narrow, movable frame fitted with reed or metal strips that separate the warp threads in weaving.笳:装有苇条或金属条的狭窄的可移动的框子,在纺织中用于分开经纱美国传统〔representation〕Textile workers wanted collective representation.纺织工人想要集体代表。牛津搭配〔rya〕A handwoven Scandinavian rug with a thick pile and usually colorful abstract designs.里亚毯:斯堪的纳维亚的一种有厚的绒毛的手工纺织的毯子,通常花样丰富多彩而抽象美国传统〔safranine〕Any of a family of dyes based on phenazine, used in the textile industry and as a biological stain.碱性藏红:以吩嗪做染色剂的一系列染料的一种,用于纺织工业或作为生物染色剂美国传统〔sago〕A powdery starch obtained from the trunks of certain sago palms and used in Asia as a food thickener and textile stiffener.西谷米:从某些西谷椰子树干提取的一种粉状淀粉类食物,在亚洲用作食品增稠剂和纺织品加固剂美国传统〔see〕See Chapter 7 below for further comments on the textile industry.有关纺织业的更多评论请参看下面第 7 章。柯林斯高阶〔sell〕The partners sell textiles.合伙人经销纺织美国传统〔shuttle〕A device used in weaving to carry the woof thread back and forth between the warp threads.梭子:纺织中带着纬线在经线中来回运动的一种装置美国传统〔smock〕To decorate (fabric) with smocking.用罩衣来装饰(一件纺织品)美国传统〔snag〕A break, pull, or tear in fabric.抽丝处:纺织品的破碎、抽丝或钩破处美国传统〔spinster〕A person whose occupation is spinning.从事纺织的人美国传统〔suiting〕Fabric from which suits are made.套装料:用于作套装的纺织美国传统〔supremacy〕The company has begun to challenge the supremacy of the current leading manufacturers in the textiles industry.这家公司已开始挑战目前纺织业内几大龙头厂商的统治地位。剑桥高阶〔sweated〕The textile industry still relies to some extent on sweated labour.在某种程度上,纺织业仍然依靠廉价劳动力。剑桥高阶〔swift〕A reel used to hold yarn as it is being wound off.线轴:纺织时用于定住纱线的卷线轴美国传统〔temple〕A device in a loom that keeps the cloth stretched to the correct width during weaving.伸幅器:织机上保持织物在纺织过程中以正确宽度伸平的部件美国传统〔textile〕Fiber or yarn for weaving or knitting into cloth.纺织品原料:用于编织成布的纤维或纱线美国传统〔textile〕He was the son of a Yorkshire textile worker.他是约克郡一个纺织工人的儿子。外研社新世纪〔textile〕She has a job in textiles.她在纺织业工作。牛津搭配〔textile〕The factory produces woolen textiles.该厂生产毛纺织品。英汉大词典〔textile〕There are still more people employed in textiles than in computers.纺织业的雇员现仍多于计算机业的雇员。英汉大词典〔travel〕John travels in textiles.约翰是推销纺织品的行商。英汉大词典〔turn out〕They have been turning out quality fabrics for 40 years.他们生产高品质纺织品已有40年的历史。外研社新世纪〔twist〕The fibres are twisted together during spinning to form a strong yarn.这些纤维在纺织的过程中被织成结实的纺线。外研社新世纪〔warp〕To arrange (strands of yarn or thread) so that they run lengthwise in weaving.排列(线等):整理排列(线或丝束)以使它们排列成纺织中的经线美国传统〔weave〕She is skilled at spinning and weaving.她是纺织能手。牛津高阶〔whites〕Don't put that in with the whites.别把那件东西和白色纺织物在一起洗。外研社新世纪〔willow〕A textile machine consisting of a spiked drum revolving inside a chamber fitted internally with spikes, used to open and clean unprocessed cotton or wool.打棉机:一种由装刺的鼓组成的纺织机器,鼓在内部装有大钉的密闭空间内转动,用于打开和清理未加工的棉花或羊毛美国传统〔work〕Needlework, weaving, lacemaking, or a similar textile art.针线活:针线活,编织、饰带制作或相似的纺织艺术美国传统Climbing cost of cotton squeezes mill profits. 上涨的棉花价格减少了纺织厂的利润。译典通He intends to retail textile goods. 他打算零售纺织品。译典通Mary studies at the textile institute. 玛丽在纺织学院学习。译典通Most pre-Columbian cultures produced textiles and metalwork.大部分哥伦布到达美洲以前的文化都生产出了纺织品和金属制品。剑桥国际She makes a big profit from selling waste material to textile companies.她从卖给纺织公司废材料中赚了大钱。剑桥国际She works in a textile mill. 她在一家纺织厂工作。译典通She works in textile design.她从事纺织品设计工作。牛津商务Textile weavers receive low wages in the rural areas.乡下纺织工人的工资很低。剑桥国际The company has begun to challenge the supremacy (= leading position) of the current leading manufacturers in the textiles industry.这家公司开始向当前纺织业第一位制造商挑战霸主地位。剑桥国际The lower end of the clothing market still survives by piling it high and selling cheap.纺织市场的下层仍靠薄利多销存活。剑桥国际The textile industry employs a third of the working population.纺织业雇用了劳动人口的三分之一。牛津商务The textile industry still relies to some extent on sweated labour.纺织工业在一定程度上仍旧依赖血汗劳动。剑桥国际They sell their textiles through a buying agent.他们通过购货代理商销售纺织品。牛津商务Wool is made by spinning the hair from sheep.羊毛是把羊身上的毛经纺织后而得到的。剑桥国际

