
单词 织物
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dacron〕A trademark used for a synthetic polyester fabric or the fiber from which it is made.涤纶,的确良:一商标名,用于人工合成的涤纶织物或由此制成的纤维织物美国传统〔Medea〕A princess and sorceress of Colchis who helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece, lived as his consort, and killed their children as revenge for his infidelity.美狄亚:科尔喀斯国的公主及女巫,她帮助伊阿宋取得了金黄色的羊毛织物,做了伊阿宋的妻子,又因伊阿宋的不忠诚而杀了他们的子女以图报复美国传统〔aba〕A loose-fitting sleeveless garment made of this fabric, traditionally worn by Arabs.阿拉伯长袍:通常由阿拉伯人穿的由驼毛或山羊毛织物织成的宽大无袖的长袍美国传统〔align〕Keep the rough edge of the fabric aligned with the raw edge of the piping.将织物的毛边与滚边未经加工的边对齐。柯林斯高阶〔barege〕A sheer fabric woven of silk or cotton and wool, used for women's apparel.巴勒吉纱罗(的):一种由羊毛和丝或棉交织而成的极薄的织物,用作妇女服饰美国传统〔brocade〕A heavy fabric interwoven with a rich, raised design.锦缎:编织成富丽的凸花纹的原织物美国传统〔buttonmold〕A piece of wood, plastic, or metal that is covered with fabric to form a button.钮扣基模:在其外部覆以织物可制成钮扣的一片木料、塑料或金属美国传统〔caddis〕A coarse woolen fabric, yarn, or ribbon binding.纱边,精纺毛纱编带:一种粗糙的羊毛织物的、纱线的或丝绒的镶边美国传统〔camouflage〕Fabric or a garment dyed in splotches of green, brown, tan, and black so as to make the wearer indistinguishable from the surrounding environment.迷彩服:将织物或衣物染成有绿色、棕色、褐色和黑色的斑纹,从而使穿戴者不易被从周围环境中区分开来美国传统〔canvas duck〕A fabric made of lightweight cotton or linen.轻质棉织物,轻质亚麻织物:用轻质棉或亚麻布做成的织物美国传统〔chambray〕A fine, lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp.钱布雷绸:一种由白线穿过彩色纵向线的精细轻织物美国传统〔charmeuse〕A satin-finished silk fabric.查米尤斯绉缎:缎光整饰过的丝绸织物美国传统〔chintz〕A printed and glazed cotton fabric, usually of bright colors.摩擦轧光印花棉布:一种通常为鲜亮颜色的轧光印花棉织物美国传统〔constitution〕The fabric's open-weave constitution makes it unsuitable for drapes.这种织物的纱罗组织使它不适宜做窗帘。英汉大词典〔contract〕Wool jersey should be shrunk before being cut and stitched.羊毛平针织物在裁剪和缝纫前应先缩水。美国传统〔crochet〕Needlework made by looping thread with a hooked needle.钩针编织品:用钩针钩线成环而制成的编织物美国传统〔damask〕A rich patterned fabric of cotton, linen, silk, or wool.锦锻:由棉布、亚麻、绸缎或羊毛制成的图案丰富的织物美国传统〔diagonal〕A fabric woven with diagonal lines.斜纹织物:带斜纹线的纤维编织美国传统〔diamante〕A small, glittering ornament, such as a rhinestone or a sequin, applied to fabric or a garment.亮片:一种用于织物或服装上的闪闪发光的小饰物,比如像水晶或金属闪光片美国传统〔discharge〕To remove (color) from cloth, as by chemical bleaching.使褪色,漂白:为织物去色,如通过化学漂白美国传统〔doeskin〕A densely napped finish for certain woolen fabrics, such as flannel.密绒制品:如法兰绒等制造毛织物的密绒制品美国传统〔drugget〕A heavy felted fabric of wool or wool and cotton, used as a floor covering.粗毛织物:一种毡合成的毛或棉毛重织物,用作地板覆盖物美国传统〔eke out〕They both had to eke out their modest earnings designing fabrics.他们俩只得靠设计织物图样来贴补有限的家用。外研社新世纪〔fiber〕The fabric is made from a mix of synthetic fibers.这种织物由几种人造纤维混合制作而成。韦氏高阶〔fiber〕The natural fibers allow the fabric to breathe.天然纤维织物透气性好。韦氏高阶〔flaw〕He inspected the fabric for flaws.他检查了那个织物,看是否有瑕疵。韦氏高阶〔fray〕A frayed or threadbare spot, as on fabric.磨损处:(如织物上的)磨散或磨光绒毛之处美国传统〔haircloth〕A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair, used for upholstering and for stiffening garments.毛布:一种织物,尤其是由马毛或骆驼毛织成的,用于做家具垫布和外衣硬衬美国传统〔hairline〕A textile design having thin, threadlike stripes.有细直条纹的织物图案美国传统〔intertexture〕Something interwoven.交织物:被织好的物体美国传统〔iron〕A metal appliance with a handle and a weighted flat bottom, used when heated to press wrinkles from fabric.熨斗:带有把手和沉重平底的金属器具,加热后用来压平织物上的褶被美国传统〔jersey〕A soft, plain-knitted fabric used for clothing.平针织物:用作衣料的一种柔软的平针纤维制品美国传统〔knit〕To make (a fabric or garment) by intertwining yarn or thread in a series of connected loops either by hand with knitting needles or on a machine.编织:通过把纱或线缠结成一连串相连的环,或用手工织针或机器制作(织物或衣服)美国传统〔lace〕A delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern.网眼织物:由纱或线织成的有网眼图案的精美织物美国传统〔linsey-woolsey〕A coarse, woven fabric of wool and cotton or of wool and linen.麻(经)毛(纬)交织物:一种用羊毛和棉花或由羊毛和亚麻组成的一种粗织物美国传统〔lisle〕Fabric knitted of this thread, used especially for hosiery and underwear.里耳线织物:用这种线织成的织物,尤指袜类及内衣美国传统〔loft〕The thickness of a fabric or yarn.织物或纱的厚度美国传统〔long〕Detergent cannot harm a fabric, so long as it has been properly dissolved.只要充分稀释, 洗涤剂不会损伤织物外研社新世纪〔look〕This fabric has the look and feel of velvet.这织物具有丝绒的外表和手感。英汉大词典〔luster〕A fabric, such as alpaca, having a glossy surface.有光呢:表面有光泽的织物,如羊驼毛织品美国传统〔merino〕A knitted fabric made from this yarn.用上述线织成的织物美国传统〔mishmash〕There was a mishmash of different patterns and fabrics.不同的图案和织物混杂在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔moiré〕Fabric, such as silk or rayon, finished so as to have a wavy or rippled surface pattern.云纹,波纹:一种织物,如丝或人造丝织物,被织成有一个波状或波浪形表面图案美国传统〔monk's cloth〕A heavy cotton cloth in a coarse basket weave, now used chiefly for draperies.粗厚方平棉布:一种粗厚方平棉布织物,现主要用以制厚帘子美国传统〔moquette〕A heavy fabric with a thick nap, used for upholstery.装饰用的家俱布:一种用于装潢房间的装有厚绒毛的重织物美国传统〔network〕To cover with or as if with an openwork fabric or structure.覆以网路:用或好象用网眼织物或结构覆盖美国传统〔nonwoven〕Material or a fabric made by a process not involving weaving.无纺织物:非纺织制成的材料或纤维美国传统〔paisley〕An article of clothing made of paisley fabric.用佩斯利织物制成的衣物美国传统〔paisley〕The fabric comes in paisley.这块织物是采用佩斯利旋涡纹图案织的。韦氏高阶〔pierce〕The needle pierces the fabric four times a second.针穿过织物的速度是每秒钟4次。剑桥高阶〔pigment〕The Romans used natural pigments on their fabrics and walls.古罗马人在织物和墙壁上使用天然颜料。柯林斯高阶〔pinstripe〕A fabric with very thin stripes, often used for suits.细条子织物:非常细的条子织物,常用来做西装美国传统〔pipe〕To furnish (a garment or fabric) with piping.为…滚边,拷边:用裱花花饰装饰衣服或织物美国传统〔piping〕A narrow tube of fabric, sometimes enclosing a cord, used for trimming seams and edges, as of slipcovers.滚边:一种织物的窄滚边,有时裹进一条线,用于使边缝整齐,如沙发套上美国传统〔plush〕A fabric of silk, rayon, cotton, or other material, having a thick, deep pile.长毛绒:由浓长绒毛的真丝、人造丝、棉或其它材料制成的一种织物纤维美国传统〔potholder〕A small fabric pad used to handle hot cooking utensils.防烫布垫:用来端垫热炊具的小块织物美国传统〔press〕The fabric presses well.这种织物很容易熨。英汉大词典〔print〕The pattern is printed onto the fabric by hand.图案是手工印制在织物上的。外研社新世纪〔puce〕Mrs Carstairs, a large, solid, round-faced woman in puce and black lace.卡斯泰尔斯太太,身着黑紫相间的蕾丝织物的高大壮实的圆脸女人柯林斯高阶〔quill〕To make or press small ridges in (fabric).打褶裥:在(织物)上制造或压制小褶裥美国传统〔quilt〕To make into a quilt by stitching (layers of fabric) together.缝被:把(织物层)缝合在一起的制成被子美国传统〔repel〕The fabric has been treated to repel water.这种织物进行过防水处理。牛津高阶〔rep〕A ribbed or corded fabric of various materials, such as cotton, wool, or silk.棱纹平布:一种由如棉布、羊毛或丝绸等多种原料织成的肋状或凸纹状织物美国传统〔reversible〕A reversible fabric or item of clothing.双面式衣服:可翻转的织物或衣服物件美国传统〔ribbon〕A narrow strip or band of fine fabric, such as satin or velvet, finished at the edges and used for trimming, tying, or finishing.缎带:边缘被润饰并用于整饰、系紧或修饰的精细织物,如缎或天鹅绒的窄条带或条饰美国传统〔scrim〕A transparent fabric used as a drop in the theater to create special effects of lights or atmosphere.纱幕,薄纱:在电影院里为了创造出特殊的灯光效果或气氛用于作活动垂幕的透明织物美国传统〔seersucker〕A light, thin fabric, generally cotton or rayon, with a crinkled surface and a usually striped pattern.绉条纹薄织物,泡泡纱:一种轻而薄的织物,一般是棉质或人造丝质,面料带有波状表面并通常为条纹图案美国传统〔shantung〕A heavy fabric with a rough, nubby surface, made of spun wild silk.山东绸:一种具有粗糙、丛状表面的重质织物,用纺织的野生丝制成美国传统〔shantung〕A rayon or cotton fabric that is imitative of this silk fabric.仿茧绸:一种人造丝或棉线织物,它是天然丝织品的仿制物美国传统〔sizing〕Treatment of a fabric or other surface with size.上涂料,上浆:用涂料或浆料处理织物或其他物体的表面美国传统〔stiffen〕Stiffen the fabric following the manufacturer's instructions.按照制造商的说明使织物变得硬挺。外研社新世纪〔stripe〕A fabric having such a pattern.条纹织物美国传统〔suede〕Fabric made to resemble suede.仿麂皮织物:类似绒面革的织物美国传统〔swathe〕She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics.她用薄薄的黑色织物裹住了自己硕大的身躯。柯林斯高阶〔synthetics〕Natural fabrics like silk and wool are better insulators than synthetics.丝绸和羊毛之类的纯天然织物比合成纤维的保暖性更好。柯林斯高阶〔tabby〕Made of or resembling watered silk.有波纹的,似波纹的:由波纹织物制成的或似波纹织物美国传统〔taffeta〕A crisp, smooth, plain-woven fabric with a slight sheen, made of various fibers, such as silk, rayon, or nylon, and used especially for women's garments.塔夫绸:一种略微带有光泽、脆而滑的平纹织造的织物,由各种纤维(比如丝绸、人造丝或尼龙)做成,尤指被用来制造女用服装美国传统〔tape〕A narrow strip of strong woven fabric, as that used in sewing or bookbinding.带子:一种狭长的由质地坚韧的织物做成的带状物,如用在缝纫或书籍的装订中的美国传统〔teasel〕To produce a napped surface on (a fabric).使(织物)起绒:在(织物)上制成起绒的表面美国传统〔tenterhook〕A hooked nail for securing cloth on a tenter.拉幅钩:将织物固定在拉幅机上的钩状钉子美国传统〔texture〕This artificial fabric has the texture of silk.这种人造织物有丝一样的质感。剑桥高阶〔twill〕A fabric with diagonal parallel ribs.斜纹布:带有斜的平行罗纹的织物美国传统〔unravel〕The child unraveled grandma's knitting.这个孩子弄散了奶奶的编织物21世纪英汉〔veiling〕Sheer material, such as gauze or fine lace, used for veils.面纱料子;帷幔料子:用于制作面纱或帷幔的轻薄物质,如薄纱或精细的网眼织物美国传统〔veil〕A piece of light fabric hung to separate or conceal what is behind it; a curtain.帷幔;幕布:悬挂着的一块轻薄织物,用来分隔或隐藏位于其后面的东西;幕布美国传统〔velour〕A closely napped fabric resembling velvet, used chiefly for clothing and upholstery.拉绒织物:一种以丝绒的拉毛紧密的织物,主要用于制衣业和家具装饰用品业美国传统〔water-resistant〕Microfibre fabrics are both water resistant and windproof.微纤维织物既防水又防风。柯林斯高阶〔waterproof〕A material or fabric that is impervious to water.防水材料:不透水的材料或织物美国传统〔water〕A wavy finish or sheen, as of a fabric or metal.波纹:织物或金属的波纹或光泽美国传统〔weft〕Woven fabric.织物美国传统〔whipstitch〕To sew with overcast stitches, as in finishing a fabric edge or binding two pieces of fabric together.交叉缝:用锁缝针缝,如在完工一件织物边儿或将两件织物缝在一起时所用美国传统〔white goods〕Household merchandise, as bed sheets and curtains, formerly made from white fabrics, but now often colored.白色织物制品:家用商品,像是床单和窗帘,以前是以白色布料做成的,但现在常常都是彩色的美国传统〔white goods〕White fabrics, usually of cotton or linen.白色织物:白色布料,通常是棉或亚麻的美国传统〔whiten〕Bleach will whiten the linens.漂白剂会漂白亚麻织物韦氏高阶〔zephyr〕Any of various soft, light fabrics, yarns, or garments.薄衫:一种柔软而轻薄的织物、纱或衣服美国传统〔zip〕The fabric got caught in the zip and tore.织物被拉链夹住撕破了。牛津搭配Jersey is slightly elastic and can stretch to fit your body.平针织物略有弹性,能够根据你的体型伸展。剑桥国际Linen is a coarse-grained fabric.亚麻布是一种质地粗糙的织物剑桥国际Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric. 合成纤维织物不如棉织品好。译典通The fabric I bought isn't exactly what I wanted, but it will serve my purposes (= fulfil my needs).我买的织物严格说不是我要的那种,但它能满足我的需要。剑桥国际

