
单词 魔法的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Atharva-Veda〕One of the four Vedas, consisting mostly of spells of black and white magic.阿闼婆吠陀:四册吠陀经之一,几乎全部由巫术和白魔法的咒语组成美国传统〔MAGIC〕Carmelina knew that the bird was really the handsome prince under a spell from the wicked witch. 卡尔梅莉娜知道那只鸟其实是被那邪恶的女巫施了魔法的英俊王子。朗文写作活用〔MAGIC〕The magician knew that behind the door lay an enchanted garden. 巫师知道门背后是一座被施了魔法的花园。朗文写作活用〔MAGIC〕We only have limited knowledge about the practice of magic in the Middle Ages. 我们对中世纪时施用魔法的情况所知有限。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕The giants awoke from their enchanted slumber. 中了魔法的巨人从昏睡中醒来。朗文写作活用〔by〕Children are fascinated by the idea of magic.孩子们被关于魔法的想法迷住了。麦克米伦高阶〔charmer〕One who casts spells; an enchanter or a magician.施魔法的人;巫士或魔术师美国传统〔charm〕An item worn for its supposed magical benefit, as in warding off evil; an amulet.驱邪符,护身符:随身戴的被认为有魔法的物件,如在避开恶魔中;护身符美国传统〔enchanted〕Celtic stories of cauldrons and enchanted vessels.有关大锅和施了魔法的船的凯尔特传说柯林斯高阶〔enchanted〕The story takes place in an enchanted forest.故事发生在一个被施了魔法的森林里。韦氏高阶〔exist〕Belief in magic still exists.对魔法的迷信仍存在着。21世纪英汉〔hex〕This is the plate that hexed.这就是那块施过魔法的盘子。21世纪英汉〔occult〕He was a strange man who dabbled in the occult.他是个懂一点魔法的怪人。朗文当代〔side〕It's a children's book about fairies and magic, but it does have a dark side .这是一本讲仙子和魔法的儿童读物,但也有阴暗的一面。朗文当代〔witchcraft〕A magical or irresistible influence, attraction, or charm.魅力,魔力:一种有魔法的或不可抗拒的影响、吸引力或魅力美国传统〔witching〕Relating to or characteristic of witchcraft.巫术的,施魔法的:与巫术有关的或有巫术特征的美国传统〔wizardly〕Having the qualities or attributes of a wizard.魔法的,术士的:有巫师的特点或性质的美国传统

