
单词 轻重
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bonaire〕An island of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea off the northern coast of Venezuela. Tourism is important to its economy.博内尔岛:荷兰属安的列斯群岛中的一个岛屿,在加勒地海上,离委内瑞拉北部海滨不远。旅游业对该岛的经济举足轻重美国传统〔FAMOUS〕A lot of the rich people who come in here treat us like nobodies. 许多来这里的有钱人都把我们当无足轻重的人来对待。朗文写作活用〔MickeyMouse〕The charity has been described as a Mickey Mouse operation.这个慈善团体被说成是一个无足轻重的机构。朗文当代〔UNIMPORTANT〕Next to him, the other dancers seemed like nonentities. 除了他,其他舞蹈演员似乎无足轻重朗文写作活用〔accord〕The according of this privilege may have something to do with reordering of priorities.这一特权的授予也许同轻重缓急的重新安排有关。英汉大词典〔account〕These obscure groups were of little account in national politics.这些名不见经传的团体在国内政界无足轻重外研社新世纪〔account〕These obscure groups were of little account in national politics.这些名不见经传的团体在国内政界无足轻重柯林斯高阶〔agenda〕Newspapers have been accused of trying to set the agenda for the government(= decide what is important).人们指责报章企图替政府决定政务的轻重缓急。牛津高阶〔at the top of the pile〕With this promotion, he will be at the top of the pile.这次提拔后他的地位将举足轻重韦氏高阶〔balance of power〕A small centre party holds thebalance of power (=is able to make either side more powerful than the other by supporting them) in the Assembly.一小股中间力量在议会里处于举足轻重的地位。朗文当代〔balance〕Who holds the balance of power in this relationship? 在这关系之中,谁居于举足轻重的地位?牛津搭配〔bulk〕He bulks large only by contrast with other senators.他只有和其他参议员相比时才显得举足轻重英汉大词典〔cipher〕She was nothing more than a cipher.她不过是个无足轻重的人。韦氏高阶〔cog〕He was sick of working for big organisations and being a small cog in a big machine.他厌倦了为大机构工作, 厌倦了在其中扮演无足轻重的小角色。外研社新世纪〔contributor〕A key figure in the sport is allegedly a long-standing contributor to Labour Party funds.一位在体育界举足轻重的人物据说是工党基金的长期捐助者。外研社新世纪〔cruiserweight〕Chiefly British A light heavyweight boxer.【多用于英国】 轻重量级拳击手美国传统〔dirt〕As far as they are concerned, people like us are dirt.在他们看来, 我们这样的人无足轻重外研社新世纪〔disempower〕They feel they have become disempowered by recent events.他们感到因最近发生的事件他们已变得无足轻重了。21世纪英汉〔dismiss〕She just laughed and dismissed the question as unimportant.她只是一笑置之,认为问题无足轻重而不予考虑。21世纪英汉〔dominant〕The firm has achieved a dominant position in the world market.这家公司在国际市场上占有举足轻重的地位。牛津高阶〔echo〕Music Soft repetition of a note or phrase.【音乐】 复奏:音符或乐句的轻轻重美国传统〔efficient〕The most efficient way to plan is to put your tasks in order of priority.做计划最有效的办法是把任务按轻重缓急排好。麦克米伦高阶〔expendable〕No one likes to think that they're expendable.谁也不愿意认为自己无足轻重剑桥高阶〔figure〕Marriage doesn't figure in their plans.婚姻在他们的计划中无足轻重麦克米伦高阶〔force〕For years he was a dominant force in Spanish politics.他多年来一直是西班牙政界举足轻重的人物。麦克米伦高阶〔fry〕Such ideas are only small fry.这样的想法只是些无足轻重的意见。英汉大词典〔heavyweight〕That country is an economic heavyweight.那个国家是举足轻重的经济强国。英汉大词典〔hold the balance of power〕If independents do end up holding the balance of power, then they decide whether Labor or the Liberals govern for the next four years.如果无党派议员果真取得了举足轻重的地位,那么他们将决定由工党还是自由党来组成下一届四年期政府。剑桥高阶〔hold〕Their company has a strong hold on/over the computer market.他们公司在计算机市场举足轻重剑桥高阶〔incident〕This moment in history is no mere incident.这一历史时刻举足轻重外研社新世纪〔individually〕Individually they don't amount to much, but as a group they're very powerful.就个人而言,他们无足轻重,但作为一个群体,他们非常强大。韦氏高阶〔influential〕She is one of the most influential figures in local politics.她是本地政坛举足轻重的人物。牛津高阶〔insignificance〕The event was regarded as of such insignificance that not one major newspaper carried a report.该事件被认为根本无足轻重,以至于没有一家大报纸发文报道。柯林斯高阶〔irrelevance〕The Patriotic Front has been a political irrelevance.爱国者战线在政治上一直无足轻重柯林斯高阶〔irrelevance〕The Patriotic Front has been a political irrelevance.爱国阵线在政治上一直无足轻重外研社新世纪〔key〕She played a key role in the dispute.她在争论中起着举足轻重的作用。牛津高阶〔knack〕Thomson's knack of scoring vital goals makes him important to the team.汤姆森能够打入关键球的本领使他在队中具有举足轻重的地位。朗文当代〔layman〕He's an important layman in his church.他是教会里举足轻重的平信徒。韦氏高阶〔leading〕He became a leading figure in the London art world.他成了伦敦艺术界一位举足轻重的人物。麦克米伦高阶〔lightweight〕He was dismissed as a lightweight artist.他被视为一个无足轻重的艺术家。韦氏高阶〔lightweight〕Hill considered Sam a lightweight, a real amateur.希尔认为山姆是一个无足轻重的人, 一个纯粹的外行。外研社新世纪〔lightweight〕The members of his staff were considered lightweights.他的职员被看作无足轻重的人。韦氏高阶〔like〕They can't expect me to accommodate all their silly little likes and dislikes.他们别指望我能容忍他们所有那些愚蠢可笑、无足轻重的个人好恶。剑桥高阶〔linchpin〕He's the lynchpin of our team and crucial to my long-term plans.他是我们队伍的核心,对实现我的长远规划举足轻重柯林斯高阶〔margin〕Students have played an important role in the past, but for the moment, they're on the margins.学生过去曾经发挥了重要的作用,不过现在他们变得无足轻重了。柯林斯高阶〔moment〕This fact is not without moment.这一事实并非无足轻重英汉大词典〔muddle〕The government seems to have lost its way and muddled its priorities.政府似乎迷失了方向,把轻重缓急搞混了。朗文当代〔nonentity〕She was once a political nonentity, but has since won a formidable reputation as a determined campaigner.她一度在政界无足轻重,但后来因在竞选中意志坚定而赢得盛誉。剑桥高阶〔order〕We will deal with these problems in order of priority.我们将按照其轻重缓急来处理这些问题。麦克米伦高阶〔outsider〕The company has gone from being an outsider in the market to being a market leader.这家公司原本在市场上无足轻重,现已成为市场的领头羊。牛津搭配〔overshadow〕Overshadowing all these problems was the shortage of food.食物的短缺使所有这些问题都显得无足轻重英汉大词典〔pada〕A unit of Sanskrit poetic meter consisting of a series of light and heavy syllables in any of various set combinations.句脚,句足:梵文诗歌音步的单位,由多种不同固定组合中的轻重音节系列组成美国传统〔perspective〕It is important not to let things get out of perspective.重要的是不要把事情轻重倒置。牛津高阶〔perspective〕Try to keep/maintain your perspective and not get too worried about it.设法保持权衡轻重的判断力,不要太为此担心。韦氏高阶〔pip-squeak〕One that is small or insignificant.小人物,无足轻重的人或物美国传统〔potent〕He has been a potent force in musical history.他在音乐史上一直有举足轻重的影响。英汉大词典〔power broker〕Jackson had been a major power broker in the 1988 Presidential elections.杰克逊是1988年总统选举中举足轻重的权力经纪人。外研社新世纪〔power broker〕Jackson had been a major power-broker in the 1988 Presidential elections.杰克逊是1988年总统选举中举足轻重的权力经纪人。柯林斯高阶〔prioritize〕You must learn to prioritize your work.你必须学会在工作中确定事情的轻重缓急。剑桥高阶〔prioritize〕You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them.你应该把所有要做的事都列出来,并按轻重缓急排个顺序。牛津高阶〔priority〕The policeman had his priorities right.这名警察按照事情的轻重缓急处理问题。外研社新世纪〔priority〕We need to get our priorities right.我们需要把自己的事情按照轻重缓急分清楚。朗文当代〔priority〕You need to get your priorities right.你做事需要按轻重缓急来。外研社新世纪〔priority〕You need to get your priorities straight.你需要把个人事情的轻重缓急分清楚。牛津高阶〔remember〕I remember her being a dominant figure.我记得她是一个举足轻重的人物。柯林斯高阶〔revealing〕The document provided a revealing insight into the government's priorities.这份文件使人看出政府的轻重缓急是怎样安排的。牛津高阶〔rinky-dink〕Insignificant; unimportant.无足轻重的;毫无价值的美国传统〔say〕The appearance of the place and the building says something about the importance of the project.从周边环境和这幢大楼的外观可以看出这个项目的举足轻重柯林斯高阶〔sense〕We must keep a sense of proportion about all this.我们对所有的这些都要有轻重缓急之分。柯林斯高阶〔sensitivity〕I was surprised by her extreme sensitivity about even the smallest suggestions that we made.她甚至对我们提出的最无足轻重的小建议也极其抵触,这让我很吃惊。韦氏高阶〔severity〕The severity of the disease varies.这种病在各人身上表现的轻重程度不一。英汉大词典〔severity〕The severity of the punishment should match the seriousness of the crime.惩罚的严厉程度应同所犯罪行的轻重相当。剑桥高阶〔shitty〕Trivial; insignificant.琐碎的;无足轻重美国传统〔significantly〕Time would appear to be the significant factor in this whole drama.时间似乎是整部剧中一个举足轻重的因素。柯林斯高阶〔small potatoes〕A person or thing regarded as unimportant.小人物,小事:被认为无足轻重的人物或事情美国传统〔small〕He's always trying to make me look small in front of my boss.他总是想方设法让我在老板面前显得无足轻重剑桥高阶〔spear-carrier〕A minor member of an operatic or dramatic cast, usually having no speaking part.跑龙套的人:歌剧或戏剧演出中无足轻重的人,通常指没有说白的戏剧美国传统〔spear-carrier〕One whose presence or performance has little effect on an occurrence, a group, or an organization.无足轻重的人:在事件、组织或机构中影响很小、作用不大的人美国传统〔standing〕As a pathologist of considerable standing, his opinion will have a lot of influence.作为具有相当声望的病理学家,他的意见举足轻重剑桥高阶〔strength〕Add more curry powder depending on the strength required.按所要求的口味轻重再加点咖喱粉。牛津高阶〔subsequent〕Those concerns were overshadowed by subsequent events.随后发生的事使之前关注的那些问题显得无足轻重外研社新世纪〔super〕A supernumerary.无足轻重美国传统〔tactless〕He had alienated many people with his tactless remarks.他说话没个轻重,得罪了许多人。柯林斯高阶〔unimportant〕It was an unimportant job, and paid very little.这份工作无足轻重, 而且薪水还很低。外研社新世纪〔unimportant〕It was an unimportant job, and paid very little.这份工作无足轻重,而且薪水还很低。柯林斯高阶〔unimportant〕Staffing is still a relatively unimportant issue compared to our other problems.与我们面对的其他难题相比,员工问题相对而言无足轻重剑桥高阶〔weight〕His decision bears weight.他的决定举足轻重英汉大词典〔whimsical〕His graphic art became slighter and more whimsical.他的平面造型艺术变得越来越无足轻重, 越来越离奇古怪。外研社新世纪〔whippersnapper〕A person regarded as insignificant and pretentious.无足轻重即又妄自尊大的人美国传统〔world〕Abroad, Mr Bush was seen as a world statesman.在国外,布什先生被看作一位国际上举足轻重的政治家。柯林斯高阶He felt as though he had no worth.他觉得自己好像无足轻重剑桥国际He is very adamant about signing the peace treaty. Your opposing opinions will only prove inconsequential. 他非常坚持要签和平协议,你的反对意见是无足轻重的。译典通He lightened his bag by taking out some books. 他从包中取出几本书以减轻重量。译典通Successful managers know how to prioritize.成功的经理人知道如何按轻重缓急行事。牛津商务The plant does not feature in the company's plans for the future.这家工厂在公司未来的计划中无足轻重牛津商务The proposals they put forward at the meeting were of little significance. 他们在会上提出的建议无足轻重译典通The severity of the punishment should match the seriousness of the crime.惩罚的严厉程度应同所犯罪行的轻重相当。剑桥国际The traumas of my own upbringing pale/fade into insignificance (=seem very unimportant) when I hear stories about the way Peter's parents treated him.当我听说彼得的父母是如何对待他的时候,我自己在养育中受到的创伤似乎就显得无足轻重了。剑桥国际Until public attitudes change, these people are destined to remain a fringe organization.在公众态度改变之前,这些人注定还是属于一个无足轻重的组织。剑桥国际Use folders to prioritize your work.使用文件夹将你的工作按轻重缓急进行排序。牛津商务

