
单词 确切的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORGET〕Although I know that the novel was published in the nineteenth century, the actual date escapes me. 虽然我知道那部小说是19世纪出版的,但记不得确切的年份了。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕It was alleged that he was stealing money from the till, but we never had any conclusive proof. 据称他从钱柜里偷钱,但我们从来没有确切的证据。朗文写作活用〔actual〕I know Germany won, but I can't tell you the actual score.我知道德国队胜了,但我不知道确切的比分。朗文当代〔actual〕I need the actual figures, not an estimate.我需要确切的数字,而不是估计。牛津高阶〔actual〕The actual number of people killed is not yet known.确切的被害人数还不知道。麦克米伦高阶〔approximation〕We do not have the true figures so we will have to make some approximations.我们没有确切的数字,因此只能作些粗略的估计。牛津搭配〔assertion〕There is no concrete evidence to support assertions that the recession is truly over.没有确切的证据支持经济衰退真正结束这一断言。外研社新世纪〔ballpark〕I don't need the exact sum, just give me a ballpark figure.我不需要确切的款额, 给我一个大约的数字就可以了。外研社新世纪〔beside〕Let's stick to discussing whether the road should be built at all. The exact cost is beside the point.我们还是继续讨论这条路到底该不该建的问题吧。确切的造价不是问题的根本。剑桥高阶〔birth〕The exact place of birth is not recorded.确切的出生地没有记录。朗文当代〔certainty〕Answers to such questions would never be known with certainty.这类问题永远不可能知道确切的答案。外研社新世纪〔certainty〕It's difficult to predict with any degree of certainty how much it will cost.要花多少钱很难作出任何确切的预测。牛津搭配〔clear-cut〕There is no clear-cut answer to this question.这个问题没有确切的答案。牛津高阶〔confirmation〕We are still awaiting confirmation of the exact number of casualties.我们仍在等待确切的伤亡人数得到证实。剑桥高阶〔consider〕She considers that it is too early to form a definite conclusion.她认为现在下确切的结论还为时过早。牛津高阶〔correct〕Free from error or fault; true or accurate.正确的,无误的:无错误的,无过失的;真正的,确切的美国传统〔correspondent〕Words should be the exactest correspondents of a person's thought.言语应当是人的思想的最确切的对应物。英汉大词典〔cure〕There is no known cure but the illness can be treated.这种病尚没有确切的治瘉方法,但可以医治。牛津高阶〔definite〕Fix a definite date for the delivery of your computer.请为你的计算机定个确切的交货日期。朗文当代〔definite〕That's definite then, is it? 那么,那是确切的了,是吗?牛津高阶〔definite〕We haven't arranged a definite date for our visit yet.我们尚未安排一个确切的访问日期。麦克米伦高阶〔definition〕The act or process of stating a precise meaning or significance; formulation of a meaning.解释:对意思或意义的精确表达或表达的过程;对意思确切的阐述美国传统〔definitude〕The quality of being definite or exact; precision.明确:确切的性质;精确美国传统〔demographics〕No one has exact demographics on (= information about the quantity and characteristics of the people who live in) the area.没有人掌握该地区确切的人口统计数据。剑桥高阶〔elude〕The exact terminology eludes me for the moment.确切的术语我一时想不起来。朗文当代〔exact〕He noted the exact time and place on the sketch.他在素描上标注了确切的时间和地点。外研社新世纪〔exact〕I don't remember the exact words.我不记得确切的话语。柯林斯高阶〔exact〕I know her birthday's in July, but I can't remember the exact date.我知道她的生日是在七月,但想不起确切的日子。朗文当代〔exact〕The exact time is two minutes and fifteen seconds past nine.确切的时间是9点2分15秒。英汉大词典〔fate〕She faces an uncertain fate.她面临着一个不确切的命运。牛津搭配〔firm〕All we have at the moment is rumours – no firm news.我们目前知道的都是谣传,没有确切的消息。麦克米伦高阶〔forget〕We first met at university, I forget when exactly.我们第一次见面是在上大学时,但我忘记了确切的时间。麦克米伦高阶〔horoscope〕To cast someone's horoscope, you need to know their date and exact time of birth.要想用星相替某人算命,就得知道他确切的出生日期和时辰。牛津搭配〔hypermnesia〕Exceptionally exact or vivid memory, especially as associated with certain mental illnesses.记忆过强:极为确切的或生动的回忆,尤其是与某些精神病症有关联的时候美国传统〔inconclusively〕The first round ended inconclusively, with no clear winner.首轮比赛结束没有决出胜负,没有确切的赢家。韦氏高阶〔interpretation〕It's difficult to put an accurate interpretation on (=explain) the survey results.对调查结果难以作出确切的解释。朗文当代〔literal〕The story he told was basically true, even if it wasn't the literal truth.他讲的事,即便不是确切的事实,但也基本属实。韦氏高阶〔meaning〕What is the precise/exact meaning of this word in English? 这个词确切的英文意思是什么?韦氏高阶〔mechanic〕The exact mechanics of how payment will be made will be decided later.确切的付款方法以后再作决定。牛津高阶〔nail ... down〕The police at last nailed down the traffic accident.最后,警方就那次交通事故做出了确切的说明。21世纪英汉〔nail〕Hard figures are impossible to nail down.确切的数字无法弄清。英汉大词典〔number〕I don't need an exact figure. Just tell me what it will cost in round numbers.我不需要一个确切的数字。只要告诉我凑个整数要多少钱。麦克米伦高阶〔offhand〕I can't quote the exact statistics for you offhand, but they're there for you to see in the report.我不能马上就给你举出确切的数据,不过这些数据可以在报告中查到。剑桥高阶〔pin down〕She couldn't pin him down to a date.她无法让他说出一个确切的日期。外研社新世纪〔precise〕Can you give a more precise definition of the w ord? 你能给这个词下个更确切的定义吗?牛津高阶〔precise〕It was difficult to get precise information.很难得到确切的消息。朗文当代〔precise〕The precise date and place of his birth are unknown.没有人知道他确切的出生日期和地点。麦克米伦高阶〔precise〕There is no precise definition of a storm.对暴风雨没有确切的定义。麦克米伦高阶〔precision〕Any lack of precision in the contract could give rise to a dispute.合同中任何不确切的表述都可能引起争端。牛津搭配〔property〕Its precise chemical properties are unknown.其确切的化学特性未知。外研社新世纪〔punctual〕Precise; exact.精确的;确切的美国传统〔purchase〕We need to know the exact day of purchase.我们需要知道确切的购买日期。外研社新世纪〔put a figure on it〕I'm sure we'll make a good profit, but I couldn't put a figure on it.我肯定我们能赚一大笔钱,但是我说不出确切的数字。剑桥高阶〔quite〕That wasn't quite what I meant.那不是我确切的意思。外研社新世纪〔refine〕My summer job certainly refined my ideas on how restaurants are run.暑期打工自然使得我对餐馆的经营管理有了更确切的了解。英汉大词典〔rooftop〕When we have something definite to say, we shall be shouting it from the rooftops.如果有确切的消息要宣布,我们会让大家都知道。柯林斯高阶〔rough〕I don't know the precise cost, but I can give you a rough idea.我不知道确切的花费,但我可以大概告诉你一下。麦克米伦高阶〔specification〕An exact written description of an invention by an applicant for a patent.通过专利申请书的形式对发明所作的确切的书面描述美国传统〔specific〕I need specific information, not rumours.我需要确切的消息,不是谣言。牛津同义词〔statement〕We can't make a definitive statement on the matter until all the facts are in.未掌握所有事实之前,我们无法对这一事件做出确切的陈述。韦氏高阶〔tie down〕I couldn't tie him down to an exact price.我没法使他给出一个确切的价格。外研社新世纪〔total〕They haven't totalled the exact figures.他们尚未将确切的数字相加。外研社新世纪〔true〕Accurately placed, delivered, or thrown.确切的:精确放置、发送或投掷的美国传统〔turn〕He turned to his notes for the exact figures.他从笔记里查找确切的数字。英汉大词典〔unfaithful〕Not justly representing or reflecting the original; inaccurate.不如实的,不确切的:不公平地表现或反映原作的;不准确的美国传统〔value〕Precise meaning or import, as of a word.涵义意义:确切的含义或要旨,例如单词美国传统〔wording〕I understand, but I wouldn't use that exact wording.我能理解,但我不会使用那么确切的措辞。牛津搭配〔wording〕What's the exact wording of the agreement? 这项协议确切的用词是什么?韦氏高阶〔word〕His exact words were, 'There's nothing we can do about it.' 他确切的原话是:“我们对此无能为力。”牛津搭配An exact sale price will be set after a due diligence is completed in May.五月份尽职调查结束,公司之后将制订确切的销售价格。牛津商务I can't quote the exact statistics for you offhand, but they're there for you to see in the report.我不能随手就为你举出确切的统计数据,但是你可以在这篇报告中看到它们。剑桥国际I don't know the exact number, but there are close on/to (=almost) three million unemployed at present.我不知道确切的数字是多少,但现在将近有三百万失业人口。剑桥国际It's sometimes very difficult to find exactly the right word to express precisely what you want to say.有时很难找到最确切的词来明白无误地表达出你想说的话。剑桥国际The details of the agreement need more exact statement. 协议的细节需要更加确切的表达。译典通The exact cost is beside the point (= not really connected with what is being talked about), I wish you'd stick to discussing whether the road should be built at all.确切的造价不是问题的根本,我希望你们能继续讨论这条路究竟该不该造。剑桥国际The exact date of his birth is not known. 他确切的出生日期无人知道。译典通The precise details still have to be firmed up.确切的细节还有待落实。牛津商务The witness failed to give a true picture (= accurate description) of what had happened.目击者无法对所发生的事作出确切的描述。剑桥国际This is not an exact copy, but it's very similar.这不是确切的复制件,但很像。剑桥国际We think about 90% of the email is internal, but we have no hard figures.我们认为 90% 的电子邮件是内部邮件,但没有确切的数字。牛津商务

