
单词 视神经
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chiasma〕Anatomy A crossing or intersection of two tracts, as of nerves or ligaments.【解剖学】 视神经交叉:如神经或韧带等两束相交或横断美国传统〔nerve〕The optic nerve in the eye allows you to see.眼睛里的视神经让人能看见。韦氏高阶〔optic lobe〕Either of two lobes of the dorsal part of the mesencephalon, containing primary visual centers.视(神经)叶:哺乳动物背部的两视叶之一,包括主要的视神经中枢美国传统〔optic nerve〕Either of the second pair of cranial nerves that arise from the retina and carry visual information to the thalamus and other parts of the brain.视神经:头颅神经的一束,起自视网膜,携带视觉信息到视丘和大脑的其它各部分美国传统〔optic vesicle〕An evagination on either side of the embryonic forebrain from which the optic nerve and retina develop.眼泡:脊椎动物胚胎前脑外的侧壁向外胀出的部分,从这里发育成视神经和视网膜美国传统〔optic〕The reason for this is that the optic nerve is a part of the brain.原因在于视神经是大脑的一部分.外研社新世纪〔optic〕The reason for this is that the optic nerve is a part of the brain.这其中的原因在于视神经是大脑的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔retina〕A delicate, multilayered, light-sensitive membrane lining the inner eyeball and connected by the optic nerve to the brain.视网膜:衬于内眼球的精细、多层、能感光的膜,并通过视神经连接大脑美国传统

