
单词 行在
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔APPROVE〕The bank invests a lot of money in the tobacco industry: do you think it's right for them to do that? 银行在烟草工业上投资了很多钱,你觉得他们那样做对吗?朗文写作活用〔ASK〕The bank made inquiries about her financial situation before agreeing to the loan. 银行在同意给她贷款之前调查了她的经济状况。朗文写作活用〔FORWARD〕Keep on in this direction for about 100 metres, and you'll see the bank on your left. 继续朝这个方向走约100米,就能看到银行在你左边。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕Most banks offer students a free gift when they open a new account. 多数银行在学生开新账户的时候会给他们一份赠品。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The bank are trying to offload some of their US holdings. 该银行在设法减持一些在美国的股份。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕The bank has interests in several companies, including a 15% share of Morgan's Brewery. 这家银行在好几家公司都拥有股权,包括摩根酿酒公司15%的股份。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕The bank is on the next corner. 银行在下一个拐角上。朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕Second-guessing the bank's next move in the takeover bid proved very difficult. 预测该银行在此次收购出价中下一步会怎么做非常困难。朗文写作活用〔air〕Air travel was growing rapidly.航空旅行在迅速增长。朗文当代〔attach〕Activists are pressing the banks to attach political conditions to the signing of any new agreement.激进分子强烈要求银行在签署任何新协议前要考虑政治条件。柯林斯高阶〔bill〕The opposition will try to force the bill through Parliament.反对党将试图强行在议会通过这一法案。牛津搭配〔branch〕The bank has a new branch in our area.这家银行在我们这片区域新开了一家分行。韦氏高阶〔branch〕The bank has branches all over the country.这家银行在全国各地都有分行。朗文当代〔branch〕The bank has branches all over the country.那家银行在全国各地设有分行。牛津高阶〔branch〕The bank has formed a British branch in London.这家银行在伦敦开设了英国分行。英汉大词典〔branch〕The local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts.美国银行在当地的分行正在处理这些账目。外研社新世纪〔branch〕The local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts.美国银行在当地的分行正在处理这些账目。柯林斯高阶〔by〕Where's the bank?–It's just by the post office.银行在哪儿?——就在邮局旁边。外研社新世纪〔careen〕The sliding icy road careened the waggon.大车行在湿滑结冰的路上歪斜不稳。英汉大词典〔certify〕To acknowledge in writing on the face of (a check) that the signature of the maker is genuine and that there are sufficient funds on deposit for its payment.签名:银行在支票正面(签署)确认签名人笔迹为真实及有足够的供支付用的存款美国传统〔channel〕The insurer sells its products through a variety of distribution channels, including banks.保险公司通过包括银行在内的各种渠道销售其产品。剑桥高阶〔chatroom〕A site on a computer network where online conversations are held in real time by a number of users.聊天室:可实时与数个用户进行在线对话的计算机网址美国传统〔circumspectly〕The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings.那些银行在交易中本该更加谨慎的。柯林斯高阶〔circumspect〕The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings.那些银行在交易过程中本该更谨慎些。外研社新世纪〔compete〕Banks compete over interest rates.银行在利率上展开竞争。英汉大词典〔corruption〕The bank was closed down amid allegations of corruption and fraud.这家银行在腐败和欺诈的斥责声中关门了。麦克米伦高阶〔cream off〕This means smaller banks can cream off big profits during lending booms.这意味着小银行在贷款业务激增时能够捞取巨额利润。外研社新世纪〔debit〕The bank debited my account for the overdrawn check.银行在我帐户的借方透支的金额美国传统〔debtor〕The debtor bank must send instructions to the Federal Reserve Bank to debit its account there.借款银行在从其联邦储备银行的账户上提款之前, 必须告知联邦储备银行。外研社新世纪〔evasively〕He drove fast and evasively across the wilds.他飞车避过车辆穿行在荒野上。外研社新世纪〔fail〕Several of the biggest banks failed during the depression.几家最大的银行在经济萧条期倒闭了。21世纪英汉〔far〕The bank is on the corner, not far from the church.银行在街角,离教堂不远。文馨英汉〔foot〕We rowed ashore, then explored the island on foot for the rest of the day.我们划船到了岸边,之后余下的时间步行在岛上探险。柯林斯高阶〔ghost〕They ghosted up the smooth waters of the river.他们悄悄地航行在平静的河水上。牛津高阶〔gulf〕This atrocity has created a huge gulf between the two groups.这一暴行在两个群体之间造成了巨大的隔阂。牛津搭配〔handful〕There are a handful of small shops and a supermarket, but the nearest bank is four miles away.这里有几家小商店和一个超市, 不过最近的银行在4英里外。外研社新世纪〔imprudent〕The report criticizes the banks for being imprudent in their lending.该报告批评银行在贷款方面不谨慎。剑桥高阶〔in-service〕Instead of sending employees away on courses, the company relies on in-service training.该公司没有送员工脱产学习,而是依靠对员工进行在职培训。剑桥高阶〔influence〕The court found that the bank exerted undue influence over Mrs Black in getting her to sign the contract.法庭判定银行在劝说布莱克夫人签订合同的过程中对她施加了不当影响。牛津搭配〔job〕New employees are given on-the-job training.新员工要进行在职培训。韦氏高阶〔laptop〕He uses a laptop for business when he travels.他旅行在外时用笔记本电脑办公。韦氏高阶〔layer〕We're flying just below a cloud layer at 33 000 feet.我们正飞行在 3.3 万英尺高的云层下面。牛津搭配〔lazily〕The Salzach river threaded its way lazily between the old city and the new.萨尔察赫河缓缓穿行在新城与旧城之间。外研社新世纪〔left〕The bank is on the left, just after the post office.银行在左方,过了邮局就是。牛津搭配〔mark〕The bank marks the check 'certified'.银行在支票上标有“保付”字样。外研社新世纪〔mark〕The bank marks the check 'certified'.银行在支票上标有“保付”的字样。柯林斯高阶〔munch〕Sheep were munching their way through a yellow carpet of leaves.绵羊边吃边走,穿行在厚厚的一层黄色落叶中间。柯林斯高阶〔muscle〕Banks are muscling in on the insurance business.银行在插手保险生意。朗文当代〔near〕Where's the nearest bank? 最近的银行在哪儿?牛津高阶〔on〕The parade is on.游行在进行美国传统〔operate〕That business operates in several countries.那家商行在几个国家有业务活动。英汉大词典〔opposite〕The bank is opposite the supermarket(= on the other side of the road).银行在超市的正对面。牛津高阶〔overfly〕To fly over (a particular area or territory) in an aircraft or a spacecraft.飞行在…上空:乘飞机或太空船飞行在(一定区域或领土)上空美国传统〔pass〕He passed down the tunnel.他穿行在隧道中。柯林斯高阶〔penalty〕The crime carries a much heavier penalty in the US.这种罪行在美国受到的惩罚要重得多。麦克米伦高阶〔pivotal〕The Bank of England has a pivotal role in the London money market.英格兰银行在伦敦货币市场上起着关键性的作用。朗文当代〔ramification〕His banking house had ramifications throughout Europe.他的银行在全欧洲都有分行。英汉大词典〔rating〕Banks, among 26 basic U.S. professions, deserve the highest rating for honesty, dependability and ability to get things done.在美国26个关系国计民生的行业中,银行在诚实、信用以及效率方面应得最高评分。英汉大词典〔record〕This bank has a good record of helping small businesses.这家银行在帮助小企业方面记录良好。外研社新世纪〔remain〕The bank will remain open while renovations are carried out.这家银行在修缮期间将依旧开门营业。剑桥高阶〔rest〕One boat was sailing ahead of the rest.一条船航行在其余船只前面。英汉大词典〔rickrack〕A sailboat appliqué decorates the shirt, riding on waves of rickrack.一片帆船图形的贴花缝在衬衫上作装饰,只见那帆船正航行在波曲形花边带之上。英汉大词典〔ring〕The bank rang up about £600 million in trading losses.银行在交易中损失了大约6亿英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔rip off〕The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.消费者联盟声称银行在坑骗客户,因为它们没有把从利率上节省下的钱拿来进行反馈。柯林斯高阶〔shock wave〕The crime sent shock waves throughout the country.这一罪行在全国上下引起一片轰动。柯林斯高阶〔shock wave〕The crime sent shock waves throughout the country.这一罪行在全国引起了轩然大波。外研社新世纪〔squeeze〕The banks are squeezing them for more money.银行在向他们榨取更多的金钱。韦氏高阶〔step〕Successful travel is a matter of keeping one step ahead of the crowd.成功的旅行在某种程度上就是要比人群先走一步。外研社新世纪〔stranger〕Sorry, I don't know where the bank is. I'm a stranger here myself.对不起,我不知道银行在哪儿。我不是本地人。牛津高阶〔thread〕The waiters threaded between the crowded tables.服务员穿行在拥挤的餐桌之间。牛津高阶〔tumble〕The bank came tumbling down in the financial crisis.这家银行在金融危机中倒闭。麦克米伦高阶〔turf〕On its home turf, the combined bank would be unrivalled.那家联合银行在它自己的地盘上就无可匹敌了。外研社新世纪〔turf〕On its home turf, the combined bank would be unrivalled.那家联合银行在它自己的地盘上就无可匹敌了。柯林斯高阶〔wanton〕Wanton violence is now becoming a regular feature of urban life.肆无忌惮的暴行在城市生活中越来越司空见惯。柯林斯高阶〔water〕We are sailing in international waters.我们正航行在国际海域。韦氏高阶〔your〕The bank is on your right.银行在你的右边。牛津高阶After selling all its assets and paying its depositors, the bank was still half a million dollars in the hole.银行在出售了它全部资产、支付了存款者之后,仍然负债五十万美元。剑桥国际Banks normally give priority to large businesses when deciding on loans (= They deal with large businesses first and give them preferential treatment).银行在发放贷款时,按常规优先考虑大企业。剑桥国际In the UK, M0 includes all notes and coins in circulation plus banks' balances with the central bank.在英国,M0 包括流通中所有的纸币和硬币外加各银行在中央银行的存款余额。牛津商务In the past, navigation depended largely on the position of the stars.过去,航行在很大程度上依靠星星的位置。剑桥国际It is likely that the Bank will cut interest rates at its policy-setting meeting next week.央行在下周的政策制订会议上有可能会减息。牛津商务Many small banks failed during the recession. 许多小银行在经济衰退期破了产。译典通Many small businesses fold within the first year.许多小商行在头一年内就倒闭了。剑桥国际More and more crimes are being committed in broad daylight (= where they can be seen easily).越来越多的罪行在光天化日之下得逞。剑桥国际The Bank of England has a legal monopoly on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales.英国银行在英格兰和威尔士发行钞票享有法定垄断权。牛津商务The Bank of England has introduced sterner measures to control public borrowing.英格兰银行在控制公众借款上采取了严格的措施。剑桥国际The bank has a €3 billion exposure (= the bank has lent €3 billion) to the Brazilian economy.这家银行在巴西经济中拥有 30 亿欧元的风险。牛津商务The bank has branches all over the country. 该银行在全国各地均有分行。译典通The bank has three branches in Norwich, and over three hundred countrywide.这家银行在诺里奇有三家分行,在全国则超过三百家。剑桥国际The bank is being obstinate about my overdraft--they're refusing to let me have more than £500 this time.银行在我透支的问题上十分固执----这次他们拒绝让我透支超过500英镑。剑桥国际The bank lost my cheque while they were clearing it.银行在过户我的支票时把它弄丢了。剑桥国际The bank operates across the globe.这家银行在世界各地都经营着业务。牛津商务The bank stung me for £50 in charges when I went overdrawn.银行在我透支时敲诈了我50英镑的费用。剑桥国际The bank that Shaun works in is in the town centre.肖恩工作的银行在镇中心。剑桥国际The bank's ATMs malfunctioned nationwide.这家银行在全国各地的自动柜员机出现了故障。牛津商务The government has set up some half-baked scheme for training teachers on the job.政府制定了一些不周全的计划对教师进行在职培训。剑桥国际The report criticises the banks for being imprudent in their lending.这报告批评银行在贷款时很不谨慎。剑桥国际The retail bank has 170 branches in Brazil.这零售银行在巴西有 170 家分行。牛津商务This bank has branches (= buildings and offices that form part of it) all over the country.这家银行在全国各地都有支行。剑桥国际You can look through the catalogue, make a selection and pay online.您可查看商品目录,选择商品后进行在线支付。牛津商务

