
单词 attempt
释义 attempt v[Tn, Tt] make an effort to accomplish (sth); try (to do sth) 尝试; 努力; 试图     The prisoners attempted an escape/to escape, but failed. 囚犯企图逃跑, 但是失败了.     Don´t attempt the impossible. 不要试图做不可能的事.     He was charged with attempted robbery. 他被控以意图抢劫罪.     All candidates must attempt Questions 1-5. 所有考生均须回答第15题.     They are attempting (to climb) the steepest part of the mountain. 他们努力攀登这座山的最陡的部分.     She will attempt to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界纪录. attempt, n 1 ~ (to do sth/at doing sth) act of attempting sth 试图; 企图; 尝试     They made no attempt to escape/at escaping. 他们并未图谋逃跑.     My early attempts at learning to drive were unsuccessful. 我曾经几次打算学开车, 却都没有学成.     They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain. 他们攀登那座山的一切尝试都失败了. 2 ~ (at sth) thing produced by sb trying to do or make sth 试图做某事物而得到的产物     My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible. 我首次试做的巧克力蛋糕难吃极了. 3 ~ (on sth) effort to improve on or end sth; attack 对改进或结束某事物所做的努力; 攻击; 袭击     the latest attempt on the world land speed record 为创造世界陆上速度纪录所做的最新尝试     An attempt was made on the Pope´s life. 有人策划杀害教皇.

