
词组 manage

■ manage

1) manage to inf. 常常用来表示“经过努力得以成功做成某事”,属第四类动词。尤其是用于过去时,与 could 相对应,could 只表示过去有此能力,不表示在某一具体场合成功做成某事(详见 could 条),而 manage to inf. 则表示经过努力具体做成某事(inf. 必须是第四类或第三类动词)。

  • I managed to persuade them.我把他们说服了。
  • She managed to get to sleep.她终于能够睡着了。
  • Have you managed to find out the address?你找到了那个地址了吗?
  • How did they manage to get away with it?他们怎么能够得逞的?

2) 但是,由于 manage to inf. 带有“与客观困难对抗”达到有利结果的意义,因而也可以转化为表示“与良好的条件相反”或“反倒”或“反而”做出不利的事的意思。

  • He managed to lose the documents.他却把证件丢掉了。
  • Some people can eat whatever they want their entire lives and never get fat... while others are constantly dieting but yet manage to actually gain weight.有些人一辈子爱吃什么就吃什么,但不发胖,而另一些人尽管老是节食,体重倒反增加了。

