“of a”用法

词组 of a

■ of a

前面加 much, more, enough, something 等不定代词,后面接上名词,表示“在多大程度上是某事物”。

  • It really hasn't been much of an issue in this region.这在本地区一直不是多大的问题。
  • She seems to be something of a dancer.她有点像个舞蹈家。
  • He is something of a musician.他多少算个音乐家。
  • Does she seem to be anything of a dancer?她有点像个舞蹈家吗?
  • John was enough of a fool to agree.约翰竟然同意了,真够傻瓜的。
  • He was enough of a crack shot to fire three bullets in five seconds at a moving target from about 100 yards.他简直是个神枪手,能够远在大约一百码之外,用五秒钟向一个活动目标发射三颗子弹。
  • She was more of a surprise.她更是出人意料之外的一个人物。


  • He is more of a writer than a scholar.他与其说是个学者,不如说是个作家。
  • It was as much of a success as I had hoped.同我原先所希望的一样成功。
  • He's too much of a coward to do that.他太胆子小,干不了那个。

如果后面的 a 改为 the,则表示“有点某人或某事物的风度或气质”。

  • There was still something of the child in Martin, even at thirty-two.马丁虽然三十二岁了,但是还有一点孩子气。

