
词组 think

■ think

1) 可以用被动语态,说某人或某事物 be thought to inf. (“人家认为他或它如何如何”)。

  • A thunderstorm rather than terrorism is thought to have caused a Russian airliner with 171 people on board to crash over Ukraine Tuesday.据认为,是一场大雷雨,而不是恐怖活动,使得一架载有 171 人的俄国客机星期二在乌克兰坠毁。

Think 的实际宾语,其实不是 thunderstorm,而是 thunderstorm 造成的整个事件。这种用法,也见之于 believe, fear, report, say, schedule 等动词。

2) think 作为“思考”的过程,尚未达到某个看法或结论,可以作为不及物的第二类动词(后面无倾向性的思考对象用 about 引入,有倾向性的思考打算用 of 引入)用进行时态。

  • —What are you thinking about?—I'm thinking about the play we saw last night. —您在想些什么?—我在想着咱们昨天晚上看的那出剧。
  • She's thinking of marrying him.她在考虑嫁给他。

但是如果作为某个“看法”或“意见”,就属第一类动词,不能用进行时态,只能用一般现在时或一般过去时,此时 think 是个及物动词,直接宾语(是句子时用 that 引入,但 that 可以省略)是看法或意见的内容,有关的对象用 of 引入。

  • What do you think of it?您对此有何看法?
  • —Tom is thinking of emigrating. What do you think of the idea?—I think it is a stupid idea. He should stay where he is. —汤姆在考虑移民。您觉得这个想法怎么样?—我觉得这个想法很笨。他应该留在原地。
  • I thought he was laughing at me, and ran faster than ever. (Alphonse Daudet, The Last Lesson)我觉得他是在笑话我,于是就更加加快脚步。

3) to think (that) 或 and to think (that) (to think 一定要用动词不定式),放在句首,后面用动词过去时态,表示回想过去竟然有这样的事情发生,从现在的观点来看简直不可思议。

  • To think that I was once one of them!我过去竟然曾经是他们当中的一分子!
  • To think I left you alone in a place with a madman at large!我当时竟然把你一个人留在有个疯子在游荡的地方!
  • And to think that she did it all by herself.她这一切竟然是一个人干的。
  • To think that there was a time when I thought nailing the interview was the hardest part of getting a job. (Newsweek, Nov. 13, p.20)我为什么这么糊涂,有一阵竟然以为,要得到一个职位,把面试拿到手就是最棘手的一着了。
  • To think that one of our own police officers was doing the very same thing we were trying to fight. It's disgusting. (The Daily Gazette, Schenectady, NY, June 26, 2007, A3)我们自己的一名警官竟然干着我们本来努力要打击的坏事。这是令人很难堪的。

4) you would think 或 I would have thought 或 we would have thought 表示“本来(或按理)应该如何(但是没有实现)”(带有不满的意思)。

  • You'd think you'd remember to wash your face.你本来应该记得洗脸。
  • You'd think she'd be pleased.她按理应该满意了。
  • We'd have thought he'd become president.他按理应该会成为总统。
  • —She should have been given some proper help. —Well, I'd have thought so. —她本来应该得到一些适当的帮助。—对呀,本来就是。

