
单词 pomander
释义 pomander|ˈpəʊ-, ˈpɒməndə(r), pəʊˈmɑːndə(r), -æ-|
Also 6 pomaunder, pommaundre, pomemaunder, pom(e)amber, 6–7 pommander.
[Early mod.E. pom(e)amber (whence by dissimilation pomander), a. OF. *pome ambre, pomme d'embre (13th c.), f. pome apple (see pome) + ambre amber; in med.L. pōmum ambrę (13th c.).
Stressed poman′der by Skelton, J. Heywood, Wither, and so given by Bailey, Ash, Walker, Smart, Worcester; pom′mander or po′mander in Dr. Dodypoll (1600), Drayton, G. Herbert, Herrick, and so given by Johnson, Webster 1828, Ogilvie, Cassell.
c1280Roman de la Rose 21008 Plus olant que pomme d'embre.13..MS. Harl. 2378 in Henslow Med. Wks. 14th C. 122 Pomum ambre.]
1. a. orig. A mixture of aromatic substances, usually made into a ball, and carried in a small box or bag (see 2) in the hand or pocket, or suspended by a chain from the neck or waist, esp. as a preservative against infection. Now, a piece of fruit, esp. an orange, stuck with cloves and usu. tied with ribbon, which is hung or placed in a wardrobe.
1492Privy Purse Exp. Hen. VII in Bentley Excerpta Hist. (1831) 90 To one that brought the King a box with pomandre 10s.1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xxvii. 125 The rofe was..Knotted with pomaunders right swetely, Encencing out the yll odours misty.1523Skelton Garl. Laurel 1027 Colyaunder, Swete pomaunder, Good cassaunder.1542Boorde Dyetary xxvii. (1870) 290 Make a pomemaunder vnder this maner.1562W. Bullein Bulwark, Bk. Simples 59 b, A precious Pomamber to be worne against foule stinkyng aire.1564–78Dial. agst. Pest. (1888) 49 Be not without a good Pomeamber made of Storax, Calamite [etc.].1628Wither Brit. Rememb. ii. 9 Or like Pomanders of a curious Sent.1633G. Herbert Temple, Odour iv, Then should the Pomander, which was before A speaking sweet, mend by reflection.1648Herrick Hesper., Pomander Bracelet, The beads I kist, but most lov'd her That did perfume the pomander.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 55 Balls are therefore called vulgarly poma ambræ, or Pomanders.1683Lond. Gaz. No. 1804/4 A little Gold Box, with a sweet Pomander in it.1710Steele Tatler No. 245 ⁋2 Bracelets of braided Hair, Pomander, and Seed-Pearl.1852Thackeray Esmond ii. xi, The courtier..bowed out of the room, leaving an odour of pomander behind him.1864Hawthorne Dolliver Rom. (1879) 23 Pomanders, and pomades, the scented memory of which lingered about their toilet tables.1931E. S. Rohde Scented Garden viii. 219 Pomanders, Etc... The orange..will scent a drawer deliciously for well over a year.1946J. De Both Mod. Househ. Encycl. 237/1 Pomanders may be made from apples, oranges, or lemons.—to make, select firm fruit and stick whole cloves into entire surface; hang in clothes closet or place in dresser drawers.1963Good Housek. Home Encycl. (rev. ed.) 367/2 The pomander{ddd}looks prettier if tied round with ribbon or tinsel, with a loop for hanging it up.1974Westland & Critchley Art of Dried & Pressed Flowers ix. 80 Hang the pomander in a wardrobe, on a coat hanger or over your dressing table.
b. transf. and fig. Something scented, or having a sweet odour.
1599B. Jonson Ev. Man out of Hum. v. vii, [said to a fop] Away, good pomander, goe.a1625Fletcher Woman's Prize v. i, Oh what a stinking thief is this?.. Tames street to him Is a meere Pomander.1629R. Hill Pathw. Piety II. 185 [We] God's Pomander, smell better by rubbing.
2. a. orig. The case in which this perfume was carried, usually a hollow ball of gold, silver, ivory, etc., often in the shape of an apple or orange. Now, a small perforated ceramic container filled with pot-pourri or other aromatic substances, for hanging in a wardrobe, placing on a dressing-table, etc.
1518Privy Purse Exp. Princess Mary 1 Jan. (1831) p. xxii, To the frenche quenes seruant that brought a pomander of gold.1601Holland Pliny II. 605 A ball or pomander of crystall held opposit between the member and the Sun beams.1668R. L'Estrange Vis. Quev. (1708) 108 Abundance of Hair Bracelets, Lockets, Pomanders, Knots of Ribbands.1880Shorthouse J. Inglesant (1882) II. 272 He himself carried a pomander of silver in the shape of an apple, stuffed with spices.1973Woman's Jrnl. Dec. 108 (Advt.), Colognes, bath essences, soaps, pot-pourri and pomanders from..J. Floris Ltd.1975Lady 6 Nov. p. vii/2 (Advt.), Bone china pomander, traditional long-lasting perfume.1976S. Wales Echo 25 Nov. 8/2 (Advt.), There are pots of French herbs.., jams laced with whisky, silk scarves and pomanders.
b. fig. Applied to a book containing a collection of prayers; also of secrets, etc.
1558Becon (title) The Pomander of Prayer, wherein is contained many godly Prayers, whereunto are added certayne Meditations, called S. Augustin's.Ibid. Ded., I thought it good..to geue vnto you this mi Pommander of praier, wher in ar breifli contained such godli praiers as ar most mete in this our age to be vsed of al degres & estates.1650(title) The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus,..Translated..into English By..Doctor Everard.1895E. Nesbit (title) A pomander of verse.
3. attrib., as pomander box, pomander bracelet, pomander chain.
1599B. Jonson Ev. Man out of Hum. ii. i, Walkes all day hang'd in pomander chains.1610Alch. i. iv, Offring citizens-wiues pomander-bracelets, As his preseruatiue, made of the elixir.1759Robertson Hist. Scot. vii. Wks. 1813 I. 527 An Agnus Dei hung by a pomander chain at her neck.1906Athenæum 3 Feb. 133/1 We see the clouded cane and pomander box of Sir Plume.

