
单词 poppet-head
释义 ˈpoppet-ˌhead
Also rarely puppet-head.
1. In a lathe: = poppet n. 5, puppet n. 7.
1665R. Hooke in Phil. Trans. I. 61 There must be two Poppetheads, into which the Mandril must pass.1725W. Halfpenny Sound Building 56 Two level Pieces on each side the Puppet-Head.1875Knight Dict. Mech., Poppet-head (Turning), the part of a lathe which holds the back-center and can be fixed to any part of the bed.Ibid., Puppet-head.1888Hasluck Model Engin. Handybk. (1900) 58 This will afford a bearing for the back poppet-head centre.
2. Mining. The frame at the top of a shaft, supporting the pulleys for the ropes used in hoisting; a pit-head frame: = head-gear 3. (Often in pl. in same sense.)
1874J. H. Collins Metal Mining (1875) 129 Describe the construction of poppet heads, and give sketches in illustration of your answer. What will be the cost of poppet heads for whim drawing?1888F. Hume Mme. Midas i. v, The wheels were spinning round in the poppet-heads as the mine slowly disgorged the men who had been working all night.1900Daily News 26 Nov. 2/1 Lofty poppet heads have been erected on this shaft, 115 ft. high, in order to raise the auriferous gravel in one operation to a considerable height above the surface of the ground.

