
单词 onfang
释义 onˈfang, v. Obs.
Forms: inf. 1–3 onfón, 3 (Orm.) onnfanngenn; pa. tense 1–3 onfeng, 4 onfoȝ; pa. pple. 1– onfangen.
[f. on-2: see fang v.]
1. trans. To receive, accept.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. i. iii. (1890) 30 Claudius..mycelne dæl þæs landes on anweald onfeng.c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xxvii. 6 Ða soðlice þæra sacerda ealdras onfengon þæs seolfres.c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 298 Se þe þone stan on drince onfehð.c1200Ormin 16571 Forr he ne mot nohht Cristess flæsh Ne Cristess blod onnfanngenn.c1205Lay. 1069 Nulle we noht þis on-fon.
2. To take with the mind; to conceive or understand (in a particular way).
c1200Ormin 12106 Þatt birrþ uss lokenn hu mann birrþ Onnfon and unnderrstanndenn.
3. To undertake.
971Blickl. Hom. 155 Hwylc swa ᵹelyfeþ..þonne wile he onfon rihtre ondetnesse for Cristes naman.c1200Ormin 8565 And ta þatt shulenn þanne onnfon To lefenn uppo Criste.c1205Lay. 21194 Mi seolf ic wullen on-fon.
4. To conceive (offspring).
a1000Ags. Ps. (Th.) l. 6 Þu wast þæt ic wæs mid unrihtwisnesse onfangen.a1300E.E. Psalter I. 7 In wickenesses on-fanged am I, And in sinnes me on-foȝ mi modre for-þi.

