
单词 pessoner
释义 ˈpessoner Obs.
Also 4 pesshoner.
[app. repr. an AF. *pessoner, peiss- = OF. poissonnier (13th c. in Littré), f. AF. pessoun (Britton) = OF. peisson, poisson = Pr. peisso, It. pescione:—pop.L. *pisciōn-em, deriv. of pisc-is fish.]
A fishmonger.
1310(Jan. 13) in Cal. Let. Bk. D Lond. (1902) 45 [John Gerard de Leuesham] pesshoner [admitted].1415in York Myst. Introd. 20 Pessoners [glossed Fysshmongers] and Mariners. Noe in Archa.

