
单词 learner
释义 learner|ˈlɜːnə(r)|
Forms: 1–2 leornere, 4–5 lerner, 6– learner.
[OE. leornere, f. leornian: see learn v. and -er1.]
1. One who learns or receives instruction; a disciple. In early use, a scholar, man of learning.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. xxv. [xxiv.] (1890) 344 Þa heht heo ᵹesomnian ealle þa ᵹelæredestan men & þa leorneras.c1175Lamb. Hom. 7 Þa apostles itacned þa leorneres þet beoð þa wise witeȝa þe beoð nu ouer þe halie chirche.1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) v. viii. 99 No doute that Tubal ne Pyctagoras had nought be but lerners and as prentyses in theyr presence.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 188 Nedes must the disciple or lerner byleue many thynges yt his mayster techeth hym.1597Morley Introd. Mus. 182 Thus hast thou..my booke..as I thought most conuenient for the learner.1612[see late a.1 2 d].1685Baxter Paraphr. N.T., Matt. xiii. 36 It is the part of Learners, to ask their Teachers help.1735Berkeley Free-think. in Math. §21 Every learner hath a deference more or less to authority.1828J. H. Moore Pract. Navig. (ed. 20) 47 To give the Learner some idea of the System of the Universe.1867Smiles Huguenots Eng. xi. (1880) 193 James II was but the too ready learner of the lessons of despotism taught him by Louis XIV.
2. A teacher. Obs.
1382Wyclif Heb. xii. 9 We hadden fadris of oure fleisch, lerneris [v.r. lereris, Vulg. eruditores].1494Fabyan Chron. v. cxxvii. 107 A tutoure or lerner of..knyghtlye maners.
3. One who is learning to be competent but who does not yet have formal authorization as a driver of a motor vehicle, cycle, etc. Also attrib., as learner-driver. (The abbrev. L is shown on the learner plates of the vehicle.)
1930‘A. Armstrong’ Taxi viii. 103 Conversational freedom between..taximen and private ‘learner drivers’.1934R. F. Broad et al. Motor Driving made Easy (ed. 5) ix. 140 A provisional licence will be issued to enable learners to receive instruction qualifying them for the official test.1935Daily Tel. 7 Mar. 9/4 New drivers..must start with a provisional or learner's licence.1938E. Waugh Scoop iii. ii. 276 Bonnet and back bore battered learner plates.1961[see book v. 2 c].1970D. Marlowe Echoes of Celandine i. 15 A learner-car circling the block.1973Times 28 June 31/1 The learner driver holding up the traffic as he or she falters down the High Street is still part of the British motoring scene.Ibid. 21 Sept. 23/5 Although with its 1,000 cars and its 160 branches it is easy to get the impression that there are British School of Motoring learners everywhere..it still only has something like 2½ per cent of the learner-driver population training with it.
4. Austral. (See quot.)
1965J. S. Gunn Terminol. Shearing Industry i. 35 A learner is not a shedhand or barrower, but a budding shearer who has not yet shorn 5,000 sheep (10,000 in Queensland).
Hence ˈlearner-like a., befitting a learner. ˈlearnership, the position of a learner.
1581Sidney Apol. Poetrie (Arb.) 19 Mooued with our learner-like admiration.1891Pall Mall G. 17 Jan. 6/3 Candidates..for male telegraph learnerships.

Add:5. One who is learning a foreign language; esp. in learner's dictionary, a dictionary (esp. a monolingual one) designed for the use of foreign students.
1948A. S. Hornby et al. (title) A learner's dictionary of current English.1963Advanced Learner's Dict. Current Eng. Pref. p. v, These two books are designed for learners in the earlier stages of study.1974Times 27 Mar. 10/1 He [sc. Hornby]..started to work on a new sort of dictionary that would put words into their context..and..lead the learner gently through the labyrinthine idiosyncrasies of the English language.1984EURALEX Bull. Dec. 8 A working party..met at the Survey of English Usage, University College London on 13 June, 1984 to discuss current research into how learners' dictionaries are used.1992Appl. Linguistics XIII. 25 One of the tasks of second language researchers and teachers is to discover what a learner needs to know in order to communicate in actual social contexts in the setting of the new culture.

