
单词 woodsale
释义 ˈwoodsale Obs.
[sale n.2]
A periodical sale of wood or timber from an estate.
1479in Catal. Anc. Deeds (1915) VI. 168 The said beches to be drawen on the saide grounde wodmanlyke after the custume of wodsale.1540Act 32 Hen. VIII, c. 46 §10 The said Maistre of the Wardes..shalhave auctoritie..to make wood sales to the Kinges use of al underwooddis.1562Leigh Surv. (1577) D iv, Profites of woodsale, is where sometymes the Lord of a Mannour doeth make a yerely sale of his woodes.c1617Bacon Memorial Wks. 1819 V. 485 What course shall be taken for the rest of the years with the wood sales for supply of this 25,000 l. yearly.1786in Jrnls. Ho. Comm. XLIII. 622 Warrants for raising {pstlg}2,000..by Wood Sales in Dean Forest.
attrib.1605Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iii. iv. Captains 243 A sort of lusty bil-men set In wood-sale time to sell a cops.

