
单词 stithly
释义 ˈstithly, adv. Obs.
[f. stith a. + -ly2.]
Strongly, stoutly, valiantly, severely, etc. (see the senses of stith a.).
a1300Cursor M. 2291 A wygur was mad wit his red, And command stithli til his men Als god þai suld it knau and ken.Ibid. 18933 Langage þat þai suld haf of ful knaulage To stand ai stitli for þe fai.c1325Metr. Hom. (1862) 83 Sa stithelic igain him ras The fend, that him feld in place.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxxiii. (George) 940 Sa stythly Inuch can þai ficht.Ibid. xxxv. (Thaddæus) 55 Þane til a chawmir stithly made,..quare-in al hyre tresoure wes.c1400Destr. Troy 1240 He..stert vp stithly, straght out a swerde, And flange at the freike.1513Douglas æneis v. vii. 110 Syne stithlie in the sandis wpstandis he.

