
单词 disray
释义 I. disˈray, n. Obs.
[var. of desray, deray, with the ordinary late ME. change of des- to dis-: see dis- prefix, and cf. disray v.]
Disorder, confusion; = deray, disarray.
13..K. Alis. 4353 He gan make gret disray, And gradde ageyn to Darye.c1450Merlin 407 The Knyghtes..gan make soche a disray a-monge hem that noon a-bode other.c1470Harding Chron. lxvi. i, The realme to saue, and kepe out of disraye.1609Holland Amm. Marcell. xxix. xii. 368 To come in manner of a sodaine tempest upon our armie..and to put it in disray.1610[see disrange].
II. disˈray, v. Obs.
[In sense 1, var. of deray, orig. desray, a. OF. desreer, desrayer, with the ordinary late ME. substitution of dis- for des-: cf. prec. In sense 3 identified with disarray.]
1. trans. To put out of array or military order; to throw into disorder; = disarray v. 1.
1300K. Alis. 673 Now con Alisaundre of skyrmyng, And of stedes disrayng.1609Holland tr. Amm. Marcell. xxiv. i. 262 Least Archers running foorth might disray the rankes.c1611Sylvester ii. iv. Decay 1124 Have these so yong and weak Disrayed your ranks?1631Weever Anc. Fun. Mon. 317 Guortimer..did here set vpon..the English Saxons, whom being disrayed, and not able to abide a second charge, he put all to flight.
2. To disorder the attire, or spoil the personal appearance of. In quot. refl.
1431Lydgate Chron. Troy ii. xiii. (Paris to Helen), And as a penitaunt in contrition Ye you disraye; alas why do ye so?
3. To deprive of personal array or attire; to despoil, strip; = disarray v. 2.
1483Cath. Angl. 100/2 (MS. A.), To disray or disgise [MS. M. disaray] exornare.1599Marston Sco. Villanie, ii. vii. 208 Disrai'd Of that faire iem.1608Day Law Trickes i. i. (1881) 12 On the high Altar sacrifiz'd the Priests, Disray'd the Temple of the golden robes.

