
单词 valinomycin
释义 valinomycin Pharm.|ˌvælɪnəʊˈmaɪsɪn|
[a. G. valinomycin (Brockmann & Schmidt-Kastner 1955, in Ber. d. Deut. Chem. Ges. LXXXIII. 57), f. valin valine (a product of its hydrolysis): see -mycin.]
A dodecapeptide obtained from the fungus Streptomyces fulvissimus, which has antibiotic activity against Gram-positive bacteria and is used experimentally.
1955Chem. Abstr. XLIX. 16068 Streptomyces fulvissimus grown in a medium..gave 2·3g. of dry mycelium (I) per l. It..gave an oil, which on cooling deposited valinomycin.1969New Scientist 31 July 225/1 Valinomycin is lethal to cells because it makes the membranes of mitochondria permeable to ions, particularly potassium, and stops them making energy available to all the other processes in the cell.1979Sci. Amer. Sept. 77/3 To prove that the gradient existed between the mitochondria and the surrounding cytoplasm the investigators added the drug valinomycin, which increases the rate of cell respiration and establishes an equilibrium in the concentration of potassium ions on both sides of the mitochondrial membrane.

