
单词 grey-eyed
释义 grey-eyed, a.
Having grey eyes.
1596Spenser F.Q. iv. xi. 48 The gray-eyde Doris.1605Camden Rem., Names 88 Our womens names are more gratious than their Rutilia, that is, Red-head: Cæsilla, that is, Grey-eyed.1687Lond. Gaz. No. 2272/4 A middle sized man..Grey eyed, and speaks broad.1716Royal Proclam. 5 May ibid. No. 5431/1 Beetle-Browed, Grey-Eyed.1813Prichard Phys. Hist. Man. (1836) I. 227 Among the Romans a gray-eyed child was considered as something disgusting.1871Palgrave Lyr. Poems 16 A gray-eyed girl.
b. Applied poetically to the early morning.
1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. ii. iii. 1 The gray ey'd morne smiles on the frowning night.1670Eachard Cont. Clergy 32 The grey-ey'd morn.1720Gay Poems (1745) I. 144 Soon as the grey-ey'd morning streaks the skies.1830Tennyson Mariana, Till cold winds woke the gray-eyed morn About the lonely moated grange.

