
单词 cancelbot
释义 cancelbot, n. Computing.
Brit. |ˈkansɪlbɒt|, U.S. |ˈkæns(ə)lˌbɑt|
[‹ cancel v. + -bot comb. form.]
A program that searches for and deletes specified postings from Internet newsgroups.
1993Re: Disclosing Rites of Secret Societies (e.g. OTO) in alt.magick (Usenet newsgroup) 4 Oct. I have no intentions whatsoever of writing a cancelbot.1994Guardian 7 July (Online Suppl.) 6/1 The lawyers who advertised in Usenet newsgroups are getting their comeuppance. A Norwegian hacker has designed a ‘Cancelbot’ program able to find their adverts and erase them.1995Wired Mar. 46/1 Anyone posting on alt.religion.scientology had better tow [sic] the line or risk falling prey to a cancelbot..that deletes messages critical of the church.1999Financial Times (Nexis) 23 July 19 The agreement says that information put on the system [sc. eBay] and items sold on it ‘shall not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, [etc.]’.

