
单词 bokardo
释义 bocardo, bokardo|bəʊˈkɑːdəʊ|
[In med.L. the logical term goes back to the 12th or 13th c. On the question of its relation to senses 2, 3, there appears to be no evidence: the conjecture has been offered that the prison may have been named in jocular reference to the impossibility of directly reducing this mood to the First Figure, or because it was considered an awkward form of the syllogism to get out of. The mutual relation of senses 2 and 3 is also uncertain: so far as the evidence goes, 2 may be a specific use of 3, or 3 a generalized application of 2. If the prison was named from the scholastic term, there would be an appropriateness in the name being first given in Oxford.]
1. Logic. A mnemonic word, representing by its vowels the fifth mood of the third figure of syllogisms, in which the premisses are a particular negative and a universal affirmative, and the conclusion a particular negative, the middle term being the subject of both premisses: thus some M is not P; all M is S; some S is not P.
1509Barclay Shyppe of Folys (1874) I. 144 Another comyth in with bocardo and pheryson.1838Sir W. Hamilton Logic xxii. I. 443 Bocardo, which..was the opprobrium of the scholastic system of reduction.1870Bowen Logic 204 Baroko and Bocardo have been stumbling-blocks to the logicians.
2. The name of the prison in the old North Gate of the city of Oxford, pulled down in 1771.
1535R. Layton in Strype Eccl. Mem. I. i. 210 Wee haue set Dunce [Duns Scotus] in Bocardo, and haue utterly banished him Oxford for ever, with all his blynd glosses.1555Latimer Let. ibid. III. ii. App. xxxvi. 99 An epistle sent by Mr. Latimer to all the unfayned lovers of Godds trewthe owte of a prison in Oxenford, called Bocardo.1694Strype Abp. Cranmer iii. xi. 341 And so Cranmer was returned to Bocardo, and the other two [Ridley and Latimer] to other Places.1772Wharton Newman's Verses, Rare tidings for the wretch whose ling'ring score Remains unpaid, bocardo is no more.1874M. Burrows Worthies All Souls iii. 37 His brother, who was confined in Bocardo, the famous old prison-gateway which formerly stood at the top of Cornmarket Street.1875M. Pattison Casaubon 415.
3. A prison, dungeon. In phr. in, into (to) Bocardo.
Quot. 1535 in sense 2 may possibly have the general sense of ‘in prison’.
1550Latimer Serm. bef. Edw. VI, 232 Elias had preached Gods word..Was not this a seditious fellow? was not this fellows preaching a cause of all the trouble in Israel? Was he not worthy to be cast into bocardo or little ease?1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. K vij b, If he have not to satisfie aswel the one as th'other then to Bocardo goeth he as round as a ball, where he shalbe sure to lye untill he rotte.1653R. Baillie The Dissuasive..vindicated (1655) 62 For myself, I care the less to be cast in these Bocardo's.1709Let. to Ld M[ayor] 6 Your Lordship cou'd..not put him in Bocardo.

