
单词 homogamous
释义 homogamous, a. Bot.|həʊˈmɒgəməs|
[f. Gr. ὁµο- homo- + -γαµος married, γάµ-ος marriage + -ous.]
a. Having all the florets (of a spikelet or capitulum) hermaphrodite, or all of the same sex: said of certain grasses and composites: opp. to heterogamous 1 b, c.
1842in Brande Dict. Sci. etc.1850Hooker & Arnott Brit. Flora (ed. 6) 229 Heads homogamous (all the florets perfect and fertile).1872Oliver Elem. Bot. ii. 196 If all the florets of a flower-head..be perfect, the flower⁓heads are homogamous (Dandelion).
b. Applied to flowers in which the stamens and pistils ripen together.
1854Mayne Expos. Lex., Homogamius, Homogamus,..applied by Sprengel (Homogamia) to the case in which the male and female organs of a plant arrive together at maturity: homogamious: homogamous.1881Müller in Nature XXIII. 337 The hermaphrodite flowers are homogamous and short-styled, like Syringa vulgaris.
c. Evolution. Of or pertaining to homogamy (sense b).
1903Biometrika II. 481 The whole range of effect from pure random matings to perfectly homogamous unions within a population is almost but not quite as important as the difference between self and cross fertilization in plants.
So hoˈmogamy, (a) homogamous condition; fertilization of a flower by its own pollen or by that of another flower on the same plant (cf. b above); (b) Evolution, preferential breeding between individuals similar in some characteristic; inbreeding; also homoˈgamic a., = homogamous a. c.
1874R. Brown Man. Bot. 432 Sprengel's term Homogamy..has a prior claim over Bennett's Synacmy.1897G. J. Romanes Darwin, & after Darwin III. i. 5 For the sake..of securing more descriptive terms, I will coin the words Apogamy and Homogamy... Homogamy..answers to discriminate isolation, or segregate breeding: only individuals belonging to the same variety or kind are allowed to propagate.1903Biometrika II. 481 If the male class of a given character tends to mate with a female class with generally like character, we have a tendency to homogamy.1907Fabian News XVII. 55/2 Professor Pearson's theory of homogamic mating.1947Evolution I. 270/2 The concept of homogamy or associative mating states that within a population the most similar individuals will mate with each other.1970T. Dobzhansky Genetics Evol. Process iv. 100 There may, however, be assortative mating, such as some preference for mating of like (homogamy).Ibid. x. 328 If eggs of the two species of sea urchins..are exposed to mixtures of sperm of both species, homogamic fertilizations greatly outnumber heterogamic ones.

