
单词 holiness
释义 holiness|ˈhəʊlɪnɪs|
Forms: see holy a.
[OE. háliᵹnes, -nys (= OHG. heilagnissa), f. háliᵹ holy + -ness.]
1. The quality of being holy; spiritual perfection or purity; sanctity, saintliness; sacredness.
971Blickl. Hom. 31 Þa þe him þeowiaþ on rihtwisnesse & on haliᵹnesse.c1000Ags. Ps. (Spelm.) xcv[i]. 6 (Bosw.) Haliᵹnys on haliᵹnysse.c1175Lamb. Hom. 99 Godes gast wissað efre to haliᵹnesse.c1230Hali Meid. 31 Wið halinesse of heorte.1297R. Glouc. (1724) 331 Þe betere hym were in holynesse to nyme hyr to wyue.a1300E.E. Psalter xcv[i]. 6 Helinesses and mikelhed in his helinesse.c1386Chaucer Man of Law's T. 69 Hir herte is verray chambre of hoolynesse.a1400Relig. Pieces fr. Thornton MS. 23 Slouthe..makes mane to yrke in prayere or halynes.c1532G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 927 By my holynesse, par ma saincteté.1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xxxv. 220 Of Holinesse there be degrees.1766Fordyce Serm. Yng. Wom. (1767) II. viii. 8 There rise up to view nameless beauties in holiness.1850Lynch Theo. Trin. ii. 28 Holiness is innocence made perfect.1885F. Temple Relat. Relig. & Sc. ii. 49 Holiness consists in the subjection of the whole being..to the authority of conscience.1896Daily News 13 Jan. 6/4 One of the most interesting of Mr. Granger's chapters is that in which he explains primitive ‘holiness’ as obedience to the public recognition of the rights of ghosts and gods.
2. With possessive, as a title of the Pope, and formerly of other high ecclesiastical dignitaries.
A transl. of L. sanctitās, given orig. to all bishops, then c 600 limited to patriarchs, and since the 14th c. to the Pope. The same title was also given to the Byzantine Emperors, and sometimes to other sovereigns; it was addressed by John of Salisbury to Henry II of England. (See Du Cange.)
[1169Becket Let. to Cdl. Hyacinth in Mat. Hist. Becket (Rolls) VII. 125 Omnes ad sanctitatis vestræ confugiunt pedes.1170Hen. II Let. to Pope Alexander Ibid. 419 Si devotionis meæ, pater, erga sanctitatem vestram experimentum quæritis.]1450Holland Howlat 75, I will appele to the Pape..For happin that his halynace Throw prayer may purchace To reforme my foule face.1502Hen. VII in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. I. 49 The Popes Holynesse hath named certeyn Legats to be sent to all Cristen Princis.1579Fulke Confut. Sanders 559 Your holines is heade of all holy churches.1590Shakes. Com. Err. v. i. 110 Ill it doth beseeme your holinesse [a Lady Abbess] To separate the husband and the wife.1689Let. fr. Pope to Pr. Orange in Harl. Misc. (1808) I. 368 Great Prince, Although the semicircle of your Highness be..elevated above the full orb of my Holiness.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) III. 285 With the permission of his holiness Clement IX.1858Carlyle Fredk. Gt. iii. iv. I. 223, ‘I could help you to repay it!’ said his Holiness [Pope Leo].
a. concr. A holy place, sanctuary; a holy thing, an object of religious devotion. Obs.
c897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. xv. 93 Inngongende and utgongende beforan Gode to ðam haliᵹnessum.1014Wulfstan Serm. ad Anglos in Hom. xxxiii. (1883) 158 And haliᵹnessa syndon to griðlease wide.c1175Lamb. Hom. 27 Þenne cumeð drihtenes engel and binimeð þa halinesse mid him toward heouene riche.a1300E.E. Psalter lxxxii[i]. 12 In eritage Goddes halines hagh we. [1526 Tindale Heb. ix. 1 And worldly holynes.]
b. Holy rites; worship, devotion. Obs.
c1205Lay. 1820 Brutus & his duȝeðe makeden halinesse [c 1275 holynisse].Ibid. 8049.
4. a. attrib., as holiness convention, meeting, a gathering or meeting for the promotion of holiness (in some religious communities).
1892Daily News 21 July 6/4 In the evening a holiness meeting was held.
b. (Usu. with capital initial) to denote any of various religious sects which emphasize sanctification, spiritual purity, and perfectionism, or members, churches, etc., of any of these sects. orig. and chiefly U.S.
1888California State Gaz. 623/2 Pasadena..contains Methodist, Baptist,..Friends, and Holiness churches.1913H. Kephart Our Southern Highlanders 271 In our day the same may be said of the Holy Rollers and Holiness People.1928Amer. Mercury Oct. 185/1 This..was first preached by the Straight Holiness sect in Kansas in the 1890's.1940J. B. Holt in Amer. Sociol. Rev. V. 740 (title) Holiness religion: cultural shock and social re⁓organisation.1947J. Wach Sociol. Relig. ii. v. 189 The Methodist and the Holiness movements are especially concerned with ethical perfection.1957J. M. Yinger Relig., Soc. & Individual i. x. 282 Any description of religious trends in the United States that did not refer to the strength of the ‘holiness’ sects..would be incomplete.1958M. Argyle Relig. Behaviour iv. 33 Many of these sects—the Pentecostal, Holiness, Nazarene churches and others—have increased enormously in proportion to their size during this period [sc. 1926–1953].1961B. R. Wilson Sects & Soc. i. v. 98 Elim is in no way as extreme as some of the Holiness cults of Tennessee and North Carolina.Ibid. 105 In Britain it began..in such organisations as the Faith Mission, independent Holiness missions,..and among the Plymouth Brethren.1968W. Phillips in P. Oliver Screening Blues ii. 63 Now the Holiness people, when they come in, They said, ‘Boy we can make it by livin' above sin.’

