
单词 unshent
释义 unˈshent, ppl. a. Now arch.
[un-1 8 b. Cf. OE. unscended, MDu. ongescendet, -scent, -scant (obs. Du. ongeschent, Du. ongeschend), OHG. ungeschendet (MHG. ungescant), etc.]
Uninjured, unharmed, unspoiled, etc.
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 2733 Vndyrstand..Þat..wrong Iugement Shul neuer more be vnshent.a1400Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. 680/6 Þer nis no mon fer ne nere Þat may him-seluen saue vn-schent, But he þat casteþ..To kepe wel Cristes Comaundement.a1400–50Alexander 2143 If at ȝe shap ȝow to shount vnschent of oure handis.c1460Towneley Myst. xv. 3 If thou wyll saue thy self vnshent.1597Bp. Hall Sat. iv. i, Ho! all ye Females that would liue vnshent.1628Wither Brit. Rememb. i. 975 In hope their number keep them shall unshent.1653J. Taylor (Water P.) Cert. Trav. Uncert. Journ. 20 Time never was, nor n'ere I thinke shall be, That Truth (unshent) might speake, in all things free.1817Keats Sleep & Poetry 379 The patient weeds, that now unshent by foam Feel all about their undulating home.1868Browning Ring & Bk. iii. 1409 Let the priest retire, unshent, unshamed, Unpunished.1898T. Hardy Wessex Poems 62 Like one of those the Furnace held unshent.

