
单词 sincerity
释义 sincerity|sɪnˈsɛrɪtɪ|
[ad. L. sincēritas, f. sincērus sincere: see -ity. Cf. F. sincérité (1519), Sp. sinceridad, Pg. sinceridade, It. sincerità.]
The character, quality, or state of being sincere.
1. Freedom from falsification, adulteration, or alloy; purity, correctness. Obs.
1546Udall in Strype Ann. Ref. (1824) I. 651 That England might the better attain to the sincerity of Christ's doctrine.1579W. Wilkinson Confut. Fam. Love Brief Descr. ij b, Such dayly danger honge over their heades that professed the sinceritie of the Gospel.a1623Ainsworth Pentateuch i. Advt., Some objections made against the sinceritie of the Hebrew Text.1653Baxter Saints' R. i. vii, Our Rest..will be absolutely Perfect and Compleat; and this both in the Sincerity and Universality of it.
b. Genuineness (of a passage). Obs.—1
1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. §19. 363 Though this [passage]..be no where now to be found in those extant Tragedies of this Poet.., yet the sincerity thereof cannot reasonably be at all suspected by us.
2. Freedom from dissimulation or duplicity; honesty, straightforwardness.
1557N. T. (Geneva) 2 Cor. ii. 17 But as of synceritie..speake we in Christ.1611Bible Josh. xxiv. 14 Feare the Lord, and serue him in sinceritie, and in trueth.1691J. Norris Pract. Disc. 281 When we Contemplate his Sincerity, which consists in his candid, open and ingenuous dealing with the Sons of Men.a1718W. Penn in Life Wks. 1726 I. 137 Sincerity goes farther than Capacity.1789Belsham Ess. II. xxxii. 212 Martyrdom..is a very satisfactory proof of the sincerity of those who voluntarily submit to it.1839Keightley Hist. Eng. II. 27 Who can question the sincerity of these men?1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) II. ix. 337 Henry..felt no confidence either in the sincerity of the pope, or in the sincerity of the French King.1870Lowell Study Windows 158 There is nothing so pitilessly and unconsciously cruel as sincerity formulated into dogma.
b. Of feelings: Genuineness.
1611Bible 2 Cor. viii. 8 To prooue the sinceritie of your loue.1726Pope Odyss. xi. 550 For thee she feels sincerity of woe.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xviii. (1787) II. 75 The sincerity of his friendship has been suspected.1904Butcher Harvard Lectures 191 At the root of all good writing lies sincerity of conviction.
c. pl. Sincere feelings or actions.
1840Carlyle Heroes (1858) 279 Loyalty and Sovereignty..are grounded not on garnitures and semblances, but on realities and sincerities.1843Past & Pr. (1858) 90 Exchange our dilettantisms for sincerities.1877Stubbs Lect. Med. & Mod. Hist. (1886) 101 Men of flesh and blood, with beliefs, sincerities and virtues.

