
单词 tezkere
释义 tezkere, teskere|ˈtɛzkərə|
Also 7 teskeria, -caria, 9 -caré, tischera, tezkera, teskari.
[Arab. taðkirah, in Turkish tezkere, lit. memorandum, record, note, f. ðakara, in deriv. conj. to record, relate, remember = Heb. zākar to remember.]
A Turkish official memorandum or certificate of any kind; a receipt, order, permit, licence; esp. an internal passport.
1612Coryat in Purchas Pilgrims (1625) II. x. xii. 1825 A Teskeria (this is a Turkish word that signifieth a Certificate written vnder his hand).1615G. Sandys Trav. 115 We could not passe without a Tescaria from the Cadee.1817By-Laws Levant Company 26 That the Company's privilege of having tescarés or certificates..be not forfeited.1818E. Blaquiere tr. Pananti xiii. 247 No [grain] can be exported without a tischera, or written permit, bearing the Dey's seal.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Tescare, Teskere, a Turkish Custom-house certificate.1890Daily News 30 June 7/7 The Porte yesterday despatched a teskere to..the Armenian Patriarch, enjoining him to dissolve the Provincial Council of Van.1904Daily Chron. 13 Jan. 5/2 A tezkera or local passport costing 4s.1905Dundee Advertiser 29 Nov. 11/1 The teskari or passport is an essential inexorably demanded by the Turkish official.

