
单词 eyre
释义 I. eyre Obs. exc. Hist.|ɛə(r)|
Forms: 3, 6–8 eire, 4 eyr, 5–6, 9 air, 6 oire, 6–7 aire, 7 eier, eyer, 5, 7– eyre.
[a. OF. eire, erre, oirre masc. and fem. f. errer (see err v.):—late L. iterāre to journey.]
1. Itineration, circuit: in the phrase justices in eyre (= L. in itinere on a journey), also L. justitiæ itinerantes, AF. justisis errauntz: itinerant judges who rode the circuit to hold courts in the different counties. Also sessions in eyre.
These justices were usually members of the superior courts, though the sheriffs sometimes performed this duty. In the year 1176, under Henry II, eighteen justices were appointed to six circuits; the practice continued with considerable irregularity as to number, period, and the matters dealt with, until the judges of assize n. (q.v. 12) and Nisi Prius were appointed in the year 1285 under Edw. I.
[1278Act 6 Edw. I, Stat. Glouc. cc. 1–3 (1810) 46 E le Justices en Eire facent de ceo, etc.1292Britton i. i. §3 Qe Justices errauntz soint assignetz.]1297R. Glouc. (1724) 517 The eire of justize wende aboute in the londe.1483Act 1 Rich. III, c. 6 §1 Divers Fairs have been holden..by Prescription allowed afore Justices in Eyre.1523Fitzherb. Surv. vi. (1539) 11 Alowed before justice in Eire.1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 485 An especiall sessions in Eire.1598Hakluyt Voy. I. 17 The Iustices in Eire, (or Itinerent, as we called them, because they vsed to ride from place to place throughout the Realme, for administration of iustice).1768Blackstone Comm. III. 57 These judges of assise came into use in the room of the antient justices in eyre.1866Rogers Agric. & Prices I. iv. 71 An action before the county court, or the judges in Eyre.1875Stubbs Const. Hist. I. xi. 441 A regular system of judicial eyres.
2. The circuit court held by these officers. Also eyre of justice, justice eyre, Commission of Eyre.
[1275Act 3 Edw. I, Stat. Westm. c. 18 (1810) 31 Le amerciement de tut le Conte en Eyr de Iustices.1292Britton i. v. §7 Si le article ne fut mie presenté en le autre heyre.1300Act 28 Edw. I, c. 5 Presentementz en Eire.]c1350in Eng. Gilds (1870) 362 At þe nexte Eyr and at þe nexte court.1440Sc. Acts Jas. II, §5 That the Iustices..set their Iustice aires, and hald them twise in the ȝeir.c1450Henryson Tale of Dog 129 Quhilk..passis furth befoir the Justice Air.1513–75Diurn. Occurr. (Bannatyne Club) 51 The Governour proclaimit ane generall air throw all Scotland.1609Skene Reg. Maj. 1 [They] sould be present and compeire at the Justitiars aire.1642Milton Argt. conc. Militia 36 If a Commission of Eier sit in a County, and the Kings Bench cometh thither the Eier ceaseth.1750Carte Hist. Eng. II. 122 This new chief justiciary, holding an eyre..in South⁓wark.1779Lloyd's Even. Post 20– 2 Sept. 287/3 The Circuit Court of Justiciary finished the Eyre at Aberdeen.1805Scott Last Minstr. iv. xxxv, Maidens..wrung their hands for love of him, Who died at Jedwood Air.
b. Eyre of the Forest: a circuit court held periodically by the Justices of the Forest, hence called Justices in Eyre. Obs.
1622J. Rawlins Recov. Ship of Bristol Ded. in Arb. Garner IV. 583 The..Marquis of Buckingham..Justice in Eyre of all His Majesty's Forests.1702Lond. Gaz. No. 3828/3 Lord Wharton was constituted Warden and Chief Justice and Justice in Eyre of all His Majesty's Forests.1727–51Chambers Cycl., Eyre of the forest is otherwise called justice seat: which by the ancient customs was to be held every three years, by the justices of the forest journeying up and down for that purpose.1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 103.
c. The record of such a court.
[a1481Littleton Tenures §514 Come appiert per l'Report dun plee en le Eire de Nottingham.]1614Selden Titles Hon. 262 That so should the right meaning of Sake bee, is iustified out of an old Eire.
3. attrib.
1641Termes de la Ley 131 Eire Justices, or Itinerant.
II. eyre
var. of aire n.2 and v. Obs.
III. eyre
obs. f. of air n.1

