
单词 sandesman
释义 ˈsandesman Obs.
Forms: α. 2 sander man, Ormin sanderrmann, 3 sonder(e man, 3–4 sandirman. β. 3 sondes-, 4 sondezmon, 4–5 sondes-, sandes-, sandis-, soundis-, 5 sayndis-man.
[f. ME. sandes, genit. of sand n.1 + man n.1 The α forms come from Scandinavian districts, and the -er seems to represent the ON. genitive ending -ar, although sand n.1 does not appear to have existed in ON. Cf. sand-man s.v. sand n.1; also sendman.]
A messenger, envoy, ambassador.
α1123O.E. Chron. (MS. Laud), & þær comen þes eorles sander men of Angeow to him.c1200Ormin 19383 He [S. John Bapt.] nass nohht Crist..Acc sanderrmann biforenn Crist To kiþenn Cristess come.c1250Gen. & Ex. 1410 Laban and his moder wið-ðan faȝneden wel ðis sondere man.a1300–1400Cursor M. 21408 (Gött.) Þan sent þe king costantine, sandirmen [Cott. send men] till his moder eline.
βc1205Lay. 13595 Heo..nomen ænne sondes-mon and senden toward Lunden.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 469 He sechez an oþer sondez-mon & settez on þe douue.a1400–50Alexander 2399 Now ere þe sandismen sett on þaire horsis.c1400Destr. Troy xxi. 8866 Then sent were þere sone soundismen two, To Priam, the prise kyng, purpos to hold.c1470Gol. & Gaw. 326, I rede ane sayndis-man ye send to yone senyeour.
So ˈsanderbode. [bode n.1 Cf. ON. sendiboðe.]
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 89 And þo tweien sander-bodes ferden and cudden in þe bureh, þat þe helende was þider⁓ward.

