
单词 finify
释义 ˈfinify, v. Obs. exc. U.S. and dial.
Also 7 finefy, finifie.
[f. fine a. + -ify.]
trans. To make fine; to adorn, deck, ‘trick up’. to finify it: see quot. 1611.
1586Warner Alb. Eng. ii. x, Her rotten trunk and rustie face she finified than.1611Cotgr. Pimper, to sprucifie, or finifie it; curiously to pranke, trimme, or tricke vp himselfe.1678A. Behn Sir P. Fancy iv. iii, Get you gone, and finefy your knacks.1708Motteux Rabelais iv. x. (1737) 41 Some..dress'd the Pages in Womens Cloths, and finified them like any Babies.1847J. S. Robb Streaks of Squatter Life 73 (Bartlett), If this new judge is the slicked up, finefied sort on a character they pictur' him, I don't want to see him.1891Harper's Mag. Jan. 222/1 They [sc. women] air obleiged ter set out a table all tricked up an' finified off.1895Rye E. Anglian Gloss., Finify, to be over-nice in doing anything.
Hence ˈfinified ppl. a.; ˈfinifying vbl. n.
1628Wither Brit. Rememb. ii. 2067 Some..parted from Our City walls..so finifi'd, As if their meaning was, to shew their pride In Country Churches.1655W. Gurnall Chr. in Arm. viii. (1669) 267/2 Now while thou art in a natural estate (though never so finified) Old Adam is thy father.1674Dryden Mall ii. iii, Such licking, patching, and finifying.

