
单词 Hinayana
释义 Hinayana|hiːnəˈjɑːnə|
[Skr., f. hīna lesser, little + yāna vehicle.]
The Lesser Vehicle, a name given to the system by the followers of the Mahāyāna, the Greater Vehicle; the Buddhism of Ceylon as distinguished from the northern or Mahāyāna Buddhism. Also attrib. Also Hinaˈyanism, Hinaˈyanist; Hinaˈyanian a.
Hīnayāna was the pristine form of the faith, while the Mahāyāna represents the general one, followed by the majority of followers.
1868J. Fergusson Tree & Serpent Worship 65 Mahâyâna, or as M. Julien translates it, the ‘Grand Véhicule’, as opposed to Hînayâna or the ‘Petit Véhicule’; the distinction between the two being in almost every respect identical with that which exists between Evangelical and Mediæval Christianity.1877T. W. Rhys Davids Buddhism viii. 200 The system of the Little Vehicle (Hīnayāna).1882Encycl. Brit. XIV. 229/1 These volumes [sc. the Kandjur] contain about a dozen works of the oldest school of Buddhism, the Hīnayāna.1907D. T. Suzuki Outl. Mahayana Buddhism 2 Buddhism was now split into two great systems, Mahâyânism and Hînayânism.Ibid. 8 The distinction of Mahâyânists and Hînayânists became definite.1945A. Huxley Let. 27 May (1969) 526 In later, Mahayana Buddhism much is said about the dangers of fixed, strained, rigid concentration of the attention (such as was practised by the Hinayanists).1951H. Zimmer Philos. of India 509 ‘The Big Ferryboat’ (mahāyāna), the ferry in which all may ride, in contrast to ‘The Little Ferryboat’ (hīnayāna), the way of those lonely ones, ‘lights unto themselves’, who steer the difficult strait of individual release.1956A. Toynbee Historian's Approach Relig. 17 The Hinayanian Buddhist gospel of self-liberation through self-extinction.1960‘S. Harvester’ Chinese Hammer xi. 110 The differences between Hinayana Buddhism, the original form, and the Mahayana version.1973Times 14 Apr. (Nepal Suppl.) p. ii/3 Buddhism in the Katmandu Valley subsequently forsook the ascetic path of Hīnayāna.

