
单词 unprivileged
释义 unˈprivileged, ppl. a.
(un-1 8.)
1590Swinburne Testaments 112 Such disposition..maie be lawfullie and properlie said to be a testament, whether the same be..priuiledged or vnpriuiledged.1592Warner Alb. Eng. vii. xxxiv. 149 But of vnpriuiledged bloud yet had he store to spill.1702Rowe Tamerl. i. i. 100 The Boast and Master-piece of the great Maker, That wears in vain th' Impression of his Image Unpriviledged from thee.1791Mackintosh Vind. Gallicæ 255 They are a small body, united to the mass.., and returning to it, undistinguished and unprivileged, the majority of their children.1818Hallam Mid. Ages (1819) I. 443 The arrangement..had still left several kinds of artisans unincorporated, and consequently unprivileged.1881L. Wallace Ben-Hur vi. ii, To dwell with none but lepers; to be utterly unprivileged.

