
单词 remene
释义 reˈmene, v. Obs.
[perh. a. OF. remener to bring back; but the senses are app. not OF., and may be based upon those of mean v.1]
1. trans. To make mention of; to commemorate; to recall to mind.
13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 2483 Mony a-venture..Þat I ne tyȝt, at þis tyme, in tale to remene.c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 56 He shal turne hym to þe poeple to prayse hem..and remene [pr. remeue] & recomend her gode maneres.c1440Macro Plays (E.E.T.S.) 67/960 Put yt, Lorde, in-to my thowte! Thi olde mercy, let me remene.
2. To compare; to apply by way of comparison or illustration. Const. to.
1377Pol. Poems (Rolls) I. 216 This good ship I may remene To the chivalrye of this londe.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 371 Þat by þe tale þat is i-feyned þe sooþ by tokenynge may be remened [printed remeued: L. referatur] to þat þat is soþeliche i-doo in deede.1390Gower Conf. I. 51 To thi matiere Of love I schal hem so remene, That thou schalt knowe what thei mene. [Cf. II. 348.]c1440York Myst. xii. 50 Þe dewe to þe gode halygaste May be remened [printed remeued] in mannes mynde.
3. To interpret, expound, explain. Also absol.
1382Wyclif Neh. viii. 9 Esdras..and the Leuitus, remenyng [1388 expownynge; L. interpretantes] to al the puple.Ibid. 13 That he remene to them the woordis of the lawe.c1440J. Capgrave Life St. Kath. iv. 2271 This same figure oure clerkis thus remene.
Hence reˈmening vbl. n.; also reˈmenour, interpreter, translator. Obs.
1382Wyclif Ezra Prol., Leuende the sens of scripture he folewide the errour of eche remenour.Prov. Prol., The remenyng..of the thre volumes of Salomon.Ibid., The translacioun of the seuenty remenoures.Ecclus. xlvii. 18 In prouerbis, and comparisouns, and in remenyngus.

