
单词 pseudopregnancy
释义 pseudoˈpregnancy
[f. pseudo- + pregnancy1.]
1. Med. An abnormal condition in which many of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy are present in a woman who is not pregnant; = pseudocyesis s.v. pseudo- 2 a.
1860T. H. Tanner Signs & Dis. Pregnancy i. 7 The term pseudo-pregnancy is also sometimes applied to diseases which simulate pregnancy.1893T. M. Madden Clin. Gynæcol. xl. 463 Symptoms of Pseudocyesis.—In cases of pseudopregnancy we frequently find all the general symptoms of pregnancy counterfeited with an exactitude that might well seem marvellous if we did not take into consideration the circumstances.1972M. M. Garrey et al. Gynæcol. Illustr. v. 92 Amenorrhœa... Causes. 1. Pregnancy and missed abortion. 2. Psychological. (a) Stress and emotional disturbance. (b) Pseudopregnancy. (c) Anorexia nervosa.
2. Zool. A state marked by changes in the reproductive organs and mammary glands similar to those of early pregnancy, occurring naturally in many female mammals after ovulation when fertilization has not occurred and also capable of being induced experimentally.
1913Hill & O'Donoghue in Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. LIX. 135 As the œstral cycle in Dasyurus differs considerably from that of the Eutherian mammal, it has been found necessary to introduce two new terms, viz. Post-œstrus, to designate the period which intervenes between œstrus and ovulation; and Pseudopregnancy, to designate the period which, in the non-pregnant animal, follows ovulation, and in which the changes in the ovary, mammary glands and uteri are essentially similar to those in the pregnant female.1940Endocrinology XXVII. 125 We produced pseudopregnancy [in mice] by three methods. (a) Females obtained from a low fertility group were allowed to copulate frequently but did not become pregnant. (b) Females were mated with vasectomised males. (c) Females were stimulated daily on the cervix uteri with a glass rod.1970W. B. Yapp Introd. Animal Physiol. (ed. 3) viii. 293 In those animals, such as mice, in which there is scarcely any pseudopregnancy, the corpora lutea develop very little and soon degenerate unless copulation occurs.
So pseudoˈpregnant a., of, in, or characteristic of the state of pseudopregnancy.
1913Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. LIX. 159 Comparison of our preparations of pseudo-pregnant uteri with those of normal post-partum uteri demonstrates..that the regressive changes in the glands are identical in the two.1932S. Zuckerman Social Life Monkeys & Apes v. 73 The pseudo-pregnant state is generally shorter than the pregnant, and varies in degree from animal to animal.1972Theol. Stud. XXXIII. 432 The resulting embryos could be transplanted to a dozen or a hundred pseudo⁓pregnant healthy but genetically nondescript surrogate mother cows.

