
音标: 英 ['drɪbl] 美 [ˈdrɪbəl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vi. 流口水, 滴下
vt. 使滴下, 运球
n. 点滴, 口水, 少量

n. the propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks
v. let or cause to fall in drops
v. propel, "Carry the ball"


1. No, no, it's not I'd have to live with that dribbling wreck.

不行 我还要和她住一起

2. But I can't dribble, I can't shoot, I can't pass.

但我不会运球 投球 传球

3. It's made me sweat, dribble and vomit.

搞得我出汗 流口水还会呕吐

4. When you can dribble and pirouette at the same time.


5. It beats that dribbly old shower at your place.


6. You dribble, take two steps, and lay it up.

你运球 跨两步 然后单手上篮

7. #利奥·厄斯特 that doesn't feel like you're being slowly dribbled on.

高级网络 水不是慢慢洒出来那种 那就太好了

8. You fake the threepointer, you dribble in, you take a twopointer.

你假装投三分 却运球跑 投二分

9. All day on his knees, before the rag so dirty as it dribbles down.

整天都跪在地上 在地毯脏兮兮地垂下来之前

10. The money that I dribbled into the ransom account as bait.

