
音标: 英 [ˌri:ˈneɪm] 美 [ˌriːˈneɪm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 重新命名, 再命名, 给...改名
[计] 重命名; DOS内部命令:更改文件名

v. assign a new name to
v. name again or anew


1. She renamed him, but you let it slip.

她给他起了新名字 但你说漏嘴了

2. I was gonna rename the crapnut after you.


3. I'll make sure to rename it after her.


4. We considered renaming our cat after you.


5. It allowed him to take over the firm, rename it for himself.

他就可以接手公司 改成自己的名字

6. Or it should be renamed the longest day in history.


7. They were, but we renamed them in honor of the council woman.

本来是的 但我们重新命名以示对议员女士的尊重

8. If I'd perished in the explosion, they would have renamed the golf course after you.

如果我在爆炸中死了 他们说不定会把高尔夫球场改成你的名字呢

9. They organized a protest against the renaming of our business school.

他们组织了一场 反对我们商学院改名的*活动

10. If you'll excuse me, the mayor's decided to rename the neighborhood.

不好意思 市长决定重新命名一个社区
