音标: 英 [ɑ:(r)] 美 [ɑ:r]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[计] 半径, 比例, 读, 接收, 寄存器, 复位, 电阻, 程式

n. the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet


1. It's like instant r&r. It sounds like fun.

像是迅速恢复治疗 听着不错

2. Soon I'll be eating chimichangas and rolling my r's.

我很快就会开始吃墨西哥炸饼卷 发大舌音了

3. R, the mathematical set of all real numbers.

R 在数学里表示所有实数的集合

4. Uncle r., you gotta lead these people.

雷叔叔 你一定要领导群众

5. I'm sorry, okay? I tried. I r I really did.

对不起 我试过了 我真尽力了

6. But when you work in the e.r. you don't remember names.

但在急诊室工作的话 你并不记得病人的名字

7. When I gave him my d.o.r.,he wouldn't take it.

当我递出辞呈 他不肯接受

8. You were in a very heavy r.e.m. state.


9. Ur skills and limitations r mine to read.


10. Kal, u don't know what u r dealing with.

Kal, 你不知道你的对手是何许人也
