
音标: 英 ['si:flɒə] 美 [ˈsiˌflɒr, -ˌflor]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 海底


1. We're gonna drop down to the cargo elevator to the seafloor.


2. In fact, it's so massive that it's buckling the seafloor beneath it and sinking into the ocean.

事实上 这座山过于沉重 压弯了下方的海床 以致沉入海洋

3. People didn't understand continental drift because they didn't understand seafloor spreading.

人们不理解大陆漂移说 是因为他们不懂海底扩张学说

4. Left unchecked, they spread across the seafloor like a plague.

不加控制 它们会像瘟疫般在海底蔓延

5. This superabundance is due to the fact that the seafloor here is within reach of sunlight.

这里资源富饶是因为 阳光可以照射到海床

6. Rocky outcrops rising from the seafloor can be oases in this desert.

海底耸立的露头岩石 可以构成荒地中的绿洲

7. Few species of this size can make a living on the barren seafloor.

这种体型的物种 很少能在贫瘠的海底生存

8. Sir, I'm showing a large metallic object rising off the seafloor.

长官 我现在调出来的是 一个巨大的金属物体从海平面升起

9. Check the bounce off the seafloor, and let me know if you hear any engine noise that's not our own.

仔细听海床传来的回声 要是听到任何非我方 发动机的噪声 通知我

10. But, astonishingly, deepsea reefs cover a greater area of the seafloor than their shallowwater relatives.

但是 令人惊讶的是 深海珊瑚远比浅海珊瑚 覆盖面积要大
