
音标: 英 [kəmˈpɔ:tmənt, -ˈpəʊrt-] 美 [kəmˈpɔrtmənt, -ˈport-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 行为, 举止, 习惯

n dignified manner or conduct


1. I think your comportment is excellent, by the way.

顺便一提 我认为你的行为举止一级棒

2. But your demeanor, your wardrobe, the way you comport yourself.

但是你的行為舉止 穿著打扮 你表達自己的方式

3. I wish my family would comport themselves like you.


4. He substantiates our concerns about your comportment as a federal agent.

我们对你作为联邦探员的行动方式 有所担忧 他证实了这一点

5. Without a dook of an idea about how to comport yourself publicwise.


6. I can tell by how you comport yourselves that you're the only people here not in law enforcement.

我能从你们的举止看出 你们是这里唯一不在执法部门工作的人

7. After that, it's all either blank or a series of images that don't much comport with reality.

之后我的脑子里要么一片空白 要么就是一系列 与现实并不一致的图像
