
音标: 英 [ə'raɪz] 美 [əˈraɪz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vi. 站立, 出现, 起来

v. originate or come into being
v. rise to one's feet
v. result or issue


1. But here there arises a hard question.


2. There won't be any other events arising from these facts.


3. I was in charge. I shouldn't have allowed the problem to arise.

我是主管 我不应该让这个问题激化

4. And I would not be bashful to collect, should the need arise.

而且如果我有什么忙要你帮时 我是不会客气的

5. If matters arise, he acts as their spoke*an.

如果出事 他就是他们的发言人

6. If any problems arise, I suggest you tend to them yourselves.

如果有什么问题 我建议你们自行处理

7. And if and when that opportunity should arise, you will be the first to know.

如果出现那样的机会 也会第一个告诉你

8. But should the need for vengeance arise, you know how to contact me.

但如果需要复仇 你们知道怎么联系我

9. Well, I'm just exploring opportunities as they arise.


10. 1932年 which arises as a dark power everywhere.

纳粹总部 如黑暗势力般四周弥漫的犹太主义
