
音标: 英 [ˌʌltrə'vaɪələt] 美 [ˌʌltrəˈvaɪəlɪt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 紫外线的
[化] 紫外线的; 紫外线

n. radiation lying in the ultraviolet range; wave lengths shorter than light but longer than X rays
s. having or employing wavelengths shorter than light but longer than X-rays; lying outside the visible spectrum at its violet end


1. Here you have particle instruments, an ultraviolet camera.

这里有粒子探测器 紫外相机

2. I saw that you were going with an ultraviolet light on the couch.

我看到你用紫外光 照射沙发

3. Photoreceptors in our eyes pick up colors you can't, like ultraviolet.

我们眼睛里的光感受器 能看见你们看不见的颜色 比如紫外线

4. Ultraviolet tattoos aren't especially rare, but this application was genius.

荧光纹身不算稀奇 但用在这里真是太天才了

5. She also had traces of ultraviolet dye around her cuticles.

她的角质层上 还有少量的紫外染料

6. When you uncover something, you leave it under the ultraviolet lights you had in the sewers.

当你发现了什么东西 你把它放在下水道里的紫外线下

7. The feathers fade. In commercial feathers, they're preserved against sunlight and ultraviolet light.

那些羽毛褪色了 如果是拿来卖的羽毛 都经过特殊处理 可以抗日光和紫外线辐射

8. The exposed corals could easily dry out and be damaged by intense ultraviolet rays.

暴露在阳光下的珊瑚虫很容易就会脱水 并受到强烈紫外线的伤害

9. 技術經理 with full spectrum cameras, capturing ultraviolet to infrared images.

翠茜· 羅根 裝備上了全光譜攝像機 用來捕捉紫外和紅外圖像

10. 技术经理 with full spectrum cameras, capturing ultraviolet to infrared images.

翠茜· 罗根 装备上了全光谱摄像机 用来捕捉紫外和红外图像
