
音标: 英 [ˈspekld] 美 [ˈspɛkəld]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 有斑点的

v produce a mottled effect
v mark with small spots
s having a pattern of dots


1. You're a lonely guy speckled with vomit.


2. Speckle, I almost have the sugar back.

斯派克 我就快把糖罐拿回来了

3. Speckle, I'm sorry we lost that house.

斯派克 我很抱歉我们失去了那房子

4. Speckle will say they're creepy, but we'll ignore him.

斯派克会说很吓人 但我们会无视他

5. You know, people, their spit is speckling on their lips when they say it.

大众 他们讲起它的时候唾沫横飞

6. Speckle, your face makes me feel like everything's gonna be okay.

斯派克 你的脸让我觉得一起都会好起来

7. Yeah, there are like dark red spots on the inside of the eyelids, like speckles on a pigeon egg.

是的 那里有一些深红色的斑点 在眼睑内侧 像是鸽子蛋上的斑点

8. What an incredible time I've had here, diving for enormous crayfish, fly fishing for delicious speckled brown trout, fighting bees off for the most amazing honey.

我在这享受了美妙的一周 下潜捕捉硕大的淡水螯虾 飞钓鲜美可口的斑点欧鳟 为获取极品蜂蜜 与蜜蜂大战
