
单词 rancorous
释义 rancorous, a.|ˈræŋkərəs|
Also 6–7 ranckor-, 7 ranker-.
[f. rancour n. + -ous. Cf. OF. rancorus, rancurus (Godef.).]
1. Of feelings: Having, or partaking of, the nature of rancour.
1590Spenser F.Q. i. xi. 14 So flam'd his eyne with rage and rancorous yre.1627P. Fletcher Locusts ii. xiii, Her gracious love weighs downe our ranck'rous spight.1771Junius Lett. I. 261 Malice..feasting with a rancorous rapture upon..distress.1867Freeman Norm. Conq. (1876) I. App. 665 This excited rancorous envy in the breast of his uncle.
transf.1800Weems Washington (1877) 71 A wound of such rancorous malignity.
2. Of actions, etc.: Proceeding from, or characterized by, rancour.
1590Shakes. Com. Err. i. i. 6 The enmity and discord which of late Sprung from the rancorous outrage of your Duke.1667H. More Div. Dial. iv. xxxvii. II. 206 The rancorous attempts of the Romish adherents.1784De Lolme's Eng. Constit. Advt. p. xx, Those lasting and rancorous divisions.1849W. Irving Mahomed vii. (1853) 36 Mahomet was keenly sensible of the rancorous opposition of this uncle.
3. Of persons (the mind, heart, etc.): Feeling or displaying rancour.
1592Marlowe Edw. II, ii. ii, Can you..display such rancorous minds?1597Shakes. Rich. III, i. iii. 50 Because I cannot flatter..I must be held a rancorous Enemy.a1656Bp. Hall Rem. Wks. (1660) 108 Even hatred itself, to a rancorous stomack, hath a kinde of wicked pleasure in it.1797Burke Regic. Peace iii. Wks. 1826 VIII. 324 Throwing themselves and their sovereign at the feet of a wicked and rancorous foe.1879M. Arnold Mixed Ess., Falkland 235 In that age of harsh and rancorous tempers.
4. Of a wound or sore: Festering, inflamed, full of corruption. Obs.
1660Gauden Brownrig 243 Our wounds are so deep, so rankerous, and incurable.1667H. More Div. Dial. iv. xxxvii. (1713) 393 This rancorus sore sticks more especially..on those marked Vassals of the Beast.
Hence ˈrancorously adv., ˈrancorousness.
1727Bailey, Vol. II, Rancorousness.1767Junius Lett. xxiii. (1804) I. 155 He would not at one moment rancorously persecute, at another basely cringe, to the favourite of his Sovereign.1845Darwin Voy. Nat. xix. (1879) 443 The whole community is rancorously divided into parties.

