
单词 pulmonary
释义 pulmonary, a. (n.)|ˈpʌlmənərɪ|
[ad. L. pulmōnāri-us, f. pulmo, pulmōn-em lung: see -ary1. Cf. F. pulmonaire.]
1. Of, pertaining to, situated in, or connected with the lungs. (Chiefly Anat.)
pulmonary artery, the main artery, or each of its two branches (right and left), which conveys the blood from the heart to the lungs for aeration. p. circulation, the course of the blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart, as distinguished from the general or systemic circulation. p. valves, a name for the three semilunar valves at the entrance of the pulmonary artery. p. veins, the veins which convey the aerated blood from the lungs to the heart.
1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Pulmonary Vessels, are those which carry the Blood from the Heart to the Lungs, and back again,..the Pulmonary Vein, and the Pulmonary Artery.1779Phil. Trans. LXIX. 351 A larger animal imparts a greater quantity of its pulmonary air to the inflammable air.1826Good Bk. Nat. (1834) I. 306 The blood is first received into the heart on the pulmonary side.1848Quain Anat. (ed. 5) 1149 Each bronchial tube..enters a distinct pulmonary lobule, within which it undergoes still further division, and at last ends in the small cellular recesses named the air cells or pulmonary cells.
b. Constituting a lung or lung-like organ; of the nature of a lung. pulmonary pouch, pulmonary sac, a lung-sac.
1834Penny Cycl. II. 232/1 The external apertures of these, termed spiracles,..are transverse chinks, corresponding in number with the pulmonary pouches [in Arachnida].1872Mivart Elem. Anat. 13 Respiration of air by pulmonary sacs is neither universal in man's sub-kingdom, nor unknown out of it.
c. Carried on by means of lungs.
1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. III. xxviii. 50 Yet their [birds'] respiration is perfectly pulmonary.1869Gillmore tr. Figuier's Rept. & Birds Introd. 5 To be succeeded by pulmonary respiration.
2. Occurring in or affecting the lungs (chiefly Path.); of or pertaining to disease of the lungs.
1727–41Chambers Cycl., Pulmonary consumption, or consumption of the lungs.1793Beddoes Consumption 139 Giving the pulmonary ulcers an opportunity to heal.1836–41Brande Chem. (ed. 5) 364 In some pulmonary complaints, the respiration of air slightly tainted by the admixture of chlorine has been resorted to as a stimulant.1877Roberts Handbk. Med. I. 17 The dusky or livid hue of some cardiac and pulmonary diseases.
b. Affected with or subject to lung-disease, esp. consumption; consumptive. Also transf. Of the quality associated with the consumptive.
1843Thackeray Jérôme Paturot, Fond of inventing such suffering angels..pale, pious, pulmonary, crossed in love, of course.1862Philip ii, If you want a pulmonary romance, the present won't suit you.1896Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 281 Inclined to regard the voyage..as unsuitable to the pulmonary invalid.
3. Zool. Having lungs, lung-sacs, or pulmonary organs; distinguished from tracheary, as pulmonary arachnids; also, distinguished from branchiate, as pulmonary or pulmonate molluscs.
1833Doubleday in Entomol. Mag. I. 278 We could never separate the Pulmonary from the Trachean Arachnida, or Branchiferous from the Pulmonary Gasteropod Mollusca.
B. n.
1. = Pulmonaria. [Cf. F. pulmonaire (Cotgr.).]
1658Phillips, Pulmonary, the herb Lungwort.
2. Zool. A pulmonary arachnidan, as a spider or a scorpion.
1835Kirby Hab. & Inst. Anim. II. xix. 281 Latreille..divides his Arachnidans into two Orders, Pulmonaries, or those that breathe by gills, and Trachearies, or those that breathe by spiracles in connection with tracheæ.

